Bad Plan and My Name

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Fluttershy's Dad  POV -

No.....She must not....................

"Dad ? Are you okay ?" She said.

"Give me that !" I said.

She gave the Picture to me.

"So who is it ?" She asked.

I sighed.

"She's....." I said.

"Who is it ?" She said.

"She's.............Lightning Dust." I said.

"And ? Who is this ?" She asked as she pointed at the Rainbow one.

I hate that one. But I don't want her to think that I hate that Rainbow one.

"She's......Rainbow Dash." I said as I frowned.

"Rainbow Dash ? B-But...Does that mean-No way ! It can't
be ! No ! No ! No ! No !" She said as she freaks out.

I sighed with relief.

I guess she also hate her.

"Why are you freaking out ?" I asked her.

"NO !!! I-I DON'T KNOW !!! WAIT !!! OF COURSE I KNOW !!! IT'S JUST !!!! IT'S JUST SO WEIRD !!!! IT CAN'T BE !!!" She shouted as she continued freaking out.

I don't get why she's freaking out like that.

I hate  Rainbow Dash cause she's the reason Fluttershy left me when she was a filly....Even though Pink Lilly Likes Fluttershy being friends with her because she feels Fluttershy is safe with Rainbow.

I growled.

"AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!" She shouted as I covered my ears.

"Fluttershy !!! Why are you Freaking out !?" I said

She took a lot of deep breath.

"I-I'll explain." She said as she sat down.

"I-It's because...Oh, how do I say this ?

It's because I woke up and I was inside a room of a hospital filled with lots of nurses and doctors. They left after a few minutes. Then, Rainbow went inside. Then, I started to ask who she is. Then she started freaking out. She said, me and her are bestfriends. Then Pinkie, Applejack, Twilight and Rarila-I mean Rarity went inside and told me that there my friends. I didn't believe them. And mostly, I didn't believe Rainbow, cuz' she told me I'm her....*Gulps*....Mare Friend !!!" She said as she continued freaking out.

"AAAAHHHHH!!!!! IT WAS TRUE !!! DOES IT MEAN I'M GAY !?!?!?!?!? NO !!!!!! I DON'T WANT TO BE ONE !!!!!!!" She shouted as she Run in circles panicking.

I gasped.

This is perfect !

She got Amnesia ! Now, All I have to do is calm her down and tell her that it wasn't true. Tell her she isn't her mare friend. And when that happens, We we'll stick together ! And with that, we we'll rule Half of Equestria ! Or even all !

She will stick with the bad side and leave the good side.

I wanted to laugh evily but she will notice me.

"Hey ! Calm down, Fluttershy. You are NOT gay. Why would you think of that ?" I said as I smiled and made her sit.

"I-It's because of that Picture ! Rainbow said she's my best friend ! A-and this picture proves that I am her best friend ! No wonder that she might even be my Mare Friend !!!" She said.

I rolled my eyes.

I need to think of a lie that will make her believe it.

"Don't be ridiculous ! Your not gay ! And Rainbow Dash is your friend ! Well she was." I said calmly.

"AAAAHHHHH!!!! Wait ! She was my friend ? Why ? Did Rainbow and I had a fight and it end our friendship ?" She asked.

"Uh....Yeah !" I said.

"What kind of fight ?" She said.

"Um...Ah...Rainbow got jealous !" I said.

"Jealous ? Why would Rainbow get jealous of me ?" She asked.

"Cuz'....Uh....She learned your a fast flyer than her !" I said.

"How did she know that ? I never showed anypony that talent when I was a filly !" She said.

"when you were a filly...she...uh...she saw us training and saw your flying skills !" I said.

"Oh...I knew my talent will cause a problem..." She said.

I sighed in relief.

"Hey, Are you wondering where we got your name ?" I said to her.

"Um, no....but you can say how you got it." She said.



When you were born, you didn't cry that much. You cried silently. You yawned.

"Aaww! My baby. She's so cute." Your mom said

"What are we gonna name her ?" I said to your mom

Then you hid your face with your mane.

"Oh. I can see she's Shy" Your mom said.

"She's so cute." I said.

Then a butterfly appeared in the window and flew to you.

Then when you saw the Butterfly you appeared out of the mane and started laughing and moving to the Butterfly.

"I think she likes the Butterfly." I said.

"Hm...Red Rose ?" Your mom said.

"It's a nice name and all, but I think it doesn't suit her. She doesn't even have a color red." I said.

"Hm...Buttershy ?" I said.

Then your mom smack me on my head

"Ow !" I said.

"I'm sorry, Dear. It's just you expect Her friends gonna call her Buttershy ? That sounds ridiculous." She said.

Then You ( Fluttershy ) started laughing.

"I'm sorry. I'm not good at naming things." I said.

Your mom sighed.

"Hm...How about...Fluttershy" Your mom said.

"It does suits her." I said.

"And what if she doesn't act shy ?" Your mom said.

"Call her Buttershow-off ?" I said.

Then your mom smacked me again.

"That is ridiculous. Stop making names like those. Or I'll hit you with my mom's Frying Pan" Your mom said

"Aww. Okay. I already said I'm not good at naming things." I said.

Then you started laughing and giggling.

"Fluttershy. It sounds nice." I said.

       *~End Of Flashback~*

Fluttershy started giggling.

"So that's how I got my name" She said.

"I know. It's a funny story." I said as I laughed.

"I can't believe you're gonna call me Buttershy." She said.

"Yeah. I'm not good at naming things." I said

We started laughing.

"I'll just go outside, Dad. Bye!" She said as she went outside.

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