Here We Go Again...

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Fluttershy's POV -

I just left those 5 ponies. I totally forgot there names. I remember the Rainbow one said there names....

What was it again ?

...Rarila...Applesauce...Starlight Sparkle...Pinkie Lie...And...Rainbow Sash ?

Me : LOL. Please don't be angry at me for doing that.

"Pretty odd names..." I said as I continued flying.

I was humming. Then I saw some birds.

I think I already saw it before...I think thats a humming bird.

There were a lot of questions in my mind. Some of those questions were :

"Why was I in a hospital ?"

"Why am I not in Cloudsdale?"

"Why are those ponies saying that they are my friends even though I don't know them ?"

"Why did the Rainbow one said that she was my Marefriend ?..."

"Wait...Am I gay ?"

I started blushing.

"Stupid me ! Thinking things about that to myself !" I said as I slap my self.

I sighed.

"Maybe they're right...I should get back to the Hospital...or..." I said as I put a devious smile on my face.

I giggled.

"Lalalalala !" I sang as I was going to the ground.

"Oh, wait ! I won't walk ! I have a sprain hoof." I said.

Something tells me that I should go back to that cottage I saw earlier....

I'll just go inside that cottage.

As I was Flying, I saw those Five Ponies I met.

I giggled. I'm guessing they heard me giggling since they look at me.

"HEY ! YOU ! YOU NEED TO GO BACK TO THE HOSPITAL !" The pink one said...or should I say Pinkie Lie.

I wonder why her name Is Pinkie Lie...Does she even Lie?

"FLUTTERSHY !!!" They shouted as they started to Follow me again.

Here we go again.

"WHY WON'T YOU STOP FOLLOWING ME !?" I said to them.

"YA HAVE TO GO BACK !" Applesauce said.


They suddenly stopped. I also Stopped.

"Is that Possible ?" Pinkie whispered to Starlight Sparkle.

"I don't know..." She replied.

"Good ! Now if you don't mind i'll go somewhere ELSE !" I said as I went to the cottage.

I went inside. I look at the cabinet to see some medicines.

I got a note and a quill.

I wrote at it :

Dear owner of this cottage,

I'm so sorry for barging in your house. I'm just gonna have some medicine since I don't want to go to the hospital...I hope you don't mind.

The stranger,

I re-check the note.

Then I started to think about what's gonna happen next.

"Oh no...What if the owner of this cottage decides to put me in Jail !? Or even worst ! Put me in exile !!!" I said

"I might live in guilt for the rest of my life !" I said.

My eyes twitched.

"Oh, Fluttershy ! Don't be ridiculous ! I said sorry...I just hope the owner of this is Forgiving..." I said.

I used use medicine.

It sting again. But didn't mind it.

Then, I heard some hoofsteps somepony made.

"Who's there ?" I said.

Then, The sound stopped.

"Show yourselves !" I said sternly.

Then I saw the 5 ponies.

"Well, Well, Well ! What do we have here ? It's the ponies I met before ! I thought there was some kind of thief there." I said as I giggled.

"Um...Dear I think you should go...back..." The Purple maned on said.

"No need. I just healed myself,...Rarila." I said.

"Uh...Who is...Rarila ?" She said

"You. You don't know your name ?" I asked.

They laughed nervously.

"Why ?...That's your name...Right?" I said.

"Actually, no, Dearie." She said.

"What ? I thought your name was Rarila,And yours was Applesauce,And Pinkie Lie, Starlight Sparkle, And Rainbow Sash." I said, confused.

"No, That name You use to say to me was my Aunt. Her name is Applesauce. My real name is Applejack" Applejack said.

"And my name Is Rarity, Dearie." Rarity said

"My name is Twilight Sparkle, The smart one" Twilight said

"My name is Pinkie Pie. Not Pinkie Lie, You silly !" She said Playfully

"I'm...Rainbow Dash..." She said.

She looked sad.

I'm sure that they're pretty annoyed at what I called them. I regret what I said about changing their names even though I can't remember.

"I-I'm so sorry for doing that. I thought your names was that. To be honest, I forgot what Rainbow said at the Hospital. She was kind fast on saying it." I apologized.

"It's okay...We know you can't remember me...nor our friends." Rainbow said sadly.

I don't get it.

Then, I guessed why they were here...They're gonna say

"Fluttershy. You need to go back to the Hospital." Rainbow said.

I scoffed.

"For the last time, No ! I already healed it." I said

"But you need to go there so it will heal faster !" Twilight said.

"Sorry ! Up for another endless race ? Cause, I AM !" I said as I hurrily flew away.
Dash's POV -

I sighed.

"Wait ! Did she say endless ? As in Endless ? ENDLESS !?" Pinkie said.

"Nope ! I can't run anymore ! I'm feelin' weak !" Applejack said as she lay down.

"Me too !" The others said.

I also laid down to sit.

"Sometimes...I think the Fluttershy I knew is...gone" I said as I looked at the ground and started to cry.

"We know..." They said as they cry

I just hope she isn't completely gone.....

Flutterdash:"Um,Who are You ? "Where stories live. Discover now