~chapter 8~

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Obviously dans pov and I'm sorry for the feels
Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death.[1] Risk factors include mental illness such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, personality disorders, alcoholism, or drug abuse.[2][3]
That's the definition of suicide. But it's more in depth than that. The definition of suicide misses off a few details, feelings and ideas. There are many way a person can commit suicide. I've thought about pretty much all of them.
     For years I've known my method of choice, it would be overdose. I mean pills make you better, stop the pain. That's what I need, something to stop the pain. I should really stop thinking about how I'd do it.
     I miss Phil. I feel like without him I'm underwater, I can't breathe. Even though he never loved me the way I loved him, I miss him being there. I miss him being my best friend. If I wasn't such a fuck up, we'd still be friends. I wonder if he'd go to my funeral if I died. I wonder if he would cry. Would he come beside my coffin and tell me that he loved me?
     At this rate, I won't have to wait long to find out.

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