~chapter 17~

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I need to get over you. No ifs no buts. I can't keep being stuck in this cycle of thinking that I actually mean something to you when it's clear that I don't. So fucking tell me where we stand so I know if it's okay to move on. I can't talk to you about anything anymore, because that's not the friendship we have.
We don't have honesty hours anymore. We don't talk about important shit anymore. We went from having something to a friendship that's easily replaced.
I'm so fucking done. I don't wanna live anymore. I've decided I'll see one last christmas and after that I'm done. I can't jump off a bridge because I'm scared of heights and there's always that possibility of someone talking you off the ledge. Overdosing sounds best, to mix alcohol with bleach and then pop pills to try and numb the pain I've felt for years at your cause.
Im finally ready. I told you I'd always be there for you but that doesn't mean shit to me now. I'll take my feelings to the grave with me

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