~chapter 11~

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I find it kinda funny, and I find it kinda sad... The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had
Alcohol makes people do stupid shit. Alcohol makes me do stupid shit. I messaged you. Why can't I get it into my head that you're not good for me, that you're literally tearing me apart from the seams. But I see the best in people even when I shouldn't. I always believe that people can change.
If they've done it once, they'll do it again.
My mum told me that when my dad cheated on her.
If they've done it once, they'll do it again.
A teacher told me that when we were learning about addicts.
If they've done it once, they'll do it again.
My best friend told me that when someone stole something from our classroom.
If they've done it once, they'll do it again.
I thought my dad would change
I thought the addicts would recover
I thought the thief would return what they stole
                             They didn't
Sometimes you're so blind sided by your wish to see the good in people, you don't see the evil staring you in the face. Love makes people blind. You see what you want to see, the person you want to live with and the life you want to lead.
You don't see the lies.
You don't see what they do in the shadows, away from the human eye.
You don't see the darkness that's inside of them.
But you need to


I messaged you
And you replied.

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