Broadway Baby!

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Chris:Take a seat,grab a handle and and I'll tell you where we're going

Tayler:ohhhh sweet talk guy!right,Lindsay?

Lindsay:umm...sure....Dave,is it?

Noah:why are you wearing a life jacket?

Chris:Because there's 14 of you but only 1 valuable me.HIT IT CHEF!

and we dropped O.o

Chris:Welcome to New York City!


Lindsay:New York!New York!DO you know how many stores are here?Im gonna buy 10 seasons of lip gloss without even trying!*fangirling*

-End of confessional-

Chris:yur first challange is a carriage race to Central Park

well...i dont really care what he says.He annoys me too much to care, plus,I will do what the others do,so no rush.I simply start to some fanfics apoi Sesshomaru from Inuyasha. For a demon dog,he sure is sexy as hell....SORRY DONT MIND ME,LET'S CONTINUE THE STORY


Owen:*hugging me*WOHO!!!YAAY! WE HAVE OUR RAINBOW WITH US!!Get it?Rainy?Rainbow?eh?eh?

me:*sigh*Now I understand you,Ale

Ale:just now?

me:not really.but now the most.So we gotta climb the Liberty Lady?

Ale:seems like it

me:fine then.I'll go first.We'll let Owen the last since...well obvious reasons

Ale:of course.

Sierra:L-O-L Chris!I think your mischevious spirit makes the game!

me:hey!Im a misfit too!But this guy sure only wants to have a good laugh and get money,not being "mischevious"

Ale:so miss goody 2 shoes is mischevious?

me:since when am I the goody goody?I was never an obediant little pup and Ill never ever ever be,heard that?


me:you bitch-face better have some explaining to do for this.

Ale:oh really?

me:yeah.What's with the whole "being good" thing huh?

Ale:dont know.I like to annoy you?

me:you sure do... -_-'

Ale:*chuckling* wait,what's she saying now?

Sierra:appreciated?i LOVE you!I always did!Even WAY back when you were making does horrible movies with talking cats.


me:I dont think she's doing this on purpose,but she's doing the best job embarresing him

Ale:Good point

Sierra:I was even going to name my first fan-club "The Christians",but that was already taken

me:you kidding right?It is a freaking religion!

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