Greece's Pieces

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Hey guys!I know this video isn't really related to this story,and some of you may not like it because it is kinda sadistic,but I really love it,along with the Creepypastas and My Little Pony,so I mean no offence.Also,I think that the song is fitting the Courtney X Gwen friendship from this episode. Hope you enjoy my story XD Love you all!

Chris:Prepare yourself for challanges of amature level!(happy faces) because WE are recreating the original Olympics!(poker faces). And we are heading to the birth place of the Olympics right now!in...



Owen:Mount Olympics?

Chris:wrong.finctional.and...what?we are heading to Rome!Italy!

Owen:*gasp*PIZZA PARTY!!!
Ale:but Courtney and Raven were correct.The Olympics originated in Greece.

Chris:no,they originated in..

Gwen:Chris!They are right.

Chris:*looking at the script*INTERNS!....everyone should hang on on something.Everyone except you*pointing to an intern,who falls off the plane*YOU might want to find some info on Greece!QUICKLY*pointing to the other intern*

Chris:So,Greece it is!

me:he didnt learn a thing from the time we were hanging out*sigh*

Chris:Chef!We have a change of plans!

Sierra:Prepare yourself for BATTLE!

Ale:Child's play!There's no way us,athletes,will lose an Olympics challange to a team with no man!

me:that was...kinda sexist,you know?



Heather:*to Ale*Hope you look good in silver!I look great in gold.

Gwen and Duncan were making lovely dovely eyes to each other,to wich I smirked a little.Gwen told me  some things about their relationship.I just hope it wont end bad for them.Especially for her...

Then I went to where everyone was going.I want to show Alejandro that just because Team Amazon has girls,and a frail boy,that doesn't mean,we wont win.


Ale:yes darling?

me:just so you know,I am very good at sports.Just saying.

Ale:well,I bet you are.I can't wait till we beat those guys and go in the first class.

me:*giggling evilly* too

*in Greece*

Chris:Welcome to the Acropolys,in Athens,Greece.Home to the very first olympians.who,as my intern informed me,competed naked.

we were all poker faces,when Owen started to unbuckle his belt

Owen:Oh well,time to drop the laundry

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