Newf Kids On The Rock

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(Along with how im dressed I made 2 red dots on my cheeks,like Pikachu)

Apparently we landed in the middle of the Ocean,But I already am into a boat.Figures I will help the team who has the second boat.way to go...

Sad enough,i can't hear what they say,but seems like Heather is up to something...saving Dj?ehh at least he's fine.


Heather:Oh,he is good*wooing*



-End of Confessional-

Chris comes,and I guess he tells the rules for the know lots about Chris,maybe as much as Sierra,not in the stalkerish way,but we've been friends since I can remember...umm...well my dad,he and Chris' dad were friends,so yeah.explains how Chris was my "nanny" and how i'm always up to something,just like him.


Gwen:okay.Heather shouldn't let the obvious crush on Alejandro get in the way of the game.Having a relationship with Duncan,really screw me up last season.TRENT!I mean Trent.Just uh....Slip of the tongue...hehe


Gwen:I want that tape back!Give me the tape!How do you open this thing?

-End of confessional-

me:hey guys!*helping Ale in the boat*

Ale:*smiling*excellent work,my dear friends.allow me*helping Noah,Izzy then Tyler in*Izzy,the fishing net,please?

Izzy:*throwing the net*hehe,you're quiet the catcher,big O!Welcome to my Crew's boat!

we start to get Owen on the boat

Owen:What about DJ?

Ale:patience,my friend.patience.

Chris:Hey,there,contestants!Ready to row-row-row your boat?The first 2 teams to get to the shore wil get to participate to today's challange.Oh,and if you bring some sea-food along the way,you'll get a special reward.On your mark.get set...*honk honk*Now,go!

We het past the Amazons

me:you know,Heather's gonna go to DJ,right?


me:okay then.BTW I have an idea of today's challange....Seeing as we are here,I and Chris often came here,fishing and visiting his relatives.and the english is very hard to understand,so..maybe something like that. understanding the talking and something with fish...

Ale:great!thank you,my dear Pikachu


Izzy:*Catching  a lobster*Hello,Snappy!Welcome to Izzy's Crew!Tell your friend!haha!*almost being biten by lobster*hey hey hey,Snappy!

Owen:*getting Snappy*Does anyone have any butter?

Ale:do NOT even think about it,friend!

Owen:can I think about sauce?


Owen:*licking the lobster*

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