Jamaica Me Sweat

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me and the guys are in first class,with cucumber slices on our eyelids,and we all sigh in total relax,me on Alejandro's left.

Tyler:Winning really IS everything.

Noah:Says the guy who kissed the code

DJ:and P.S. it was a tie.


DJ:Ever since i won in Newfland,i've felt like I could won this whole thing!Thanks to Irene,to think she lifted my curse,it's amazing!If she's okay,Im golden.

-End of confessional-


Alejandro:Irene.I didnt expect DJ to bond with mine and my Raven's hard work,but the simbol I painted on her is holding up well!his confidence is blooming!which is tragic.AND delicious.

-End of confessional-

Noah:ughhhh It's a facial,not a fruit place.

Owen:Noah,dont you see?it's boss!(?)

Izzy:Owen!This chairs are spring-loted.watch this!


Owen:owwww why is it always the kiwis?


Owen:I made up my mind.Im gonna break up with Izzy once and for all

me:*le gasp* he's crazy.oh no,that's right.he doesn't deserve her.He is a genius,and he is a total kiwi-brain.

Ale:so you are saying that she needs better?

me:she IS my best friend from here,along with Gwen.How can i ever feel something else than anger when I hear something like this.

Ale:I understand you.It's going to be okay.

me:I sure hope so.


Owen:I still like her,but she's soooo,,,,


Izzy:om nom nom MMM tastes like shoe-polish,hahah!

Owen:awwww she's happy

Chris comes near use,and simply walks.

Ale:DJ is the only member of his team,but we are happy to greet him as a full member of Our team.if you'll aloud it

Chris:looking for an advantage infront of team Amazon,huh?no dice

Ale:what if DJ chose to swap teams.like Sierra and Izzy did in Egypt?

Chris:No more swaps,and that's final.

Dj:It's okay.The teams are gonna merge(?) soon anyways.

Chris:wrong.convo over.Chris out.

DJ:'s okay.I'll survive,crse is gone thanks to Irene.I won the last challange

Tyler:ughhh TIE!

Dj:Exactly!If we keep it up,we might end up all the way in the final together

Latin Blood Wins~Total Drama World Tour Alejandro LSWhere stories live. Discover now