Can't help falling in Louvre

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me and Izzy are in CHef's place

Izzy:uuu what does this button do?

me:It's the red button!press it!press it!



Owen:has anyone seen Izzy or Rainbow?

Ale:I've seen them going to Chef's place

*plane starts to shaKE*


Izzy:Hello,passangers!If you look out the window you will see what happpens when me and Raven fly this plane

Chef:Hey!give me that!and fly straight!

*ding ding ding ding* might want to hang on on something rather heavy...

we ended up floting on water,in front of the Eiffle and Izzy flew with our chair and endede up on water,but she hit her head on the plane too

me+Izzy:WOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAA!!!!*sinking in the water*

-skip time-

Chris:I didnt really get time to make the introductions,but I wasnt expecting water-landing and all,just gonna give the highlights.France,City of love,Art gallery,filler,priceless priceless,artwork

Lindsay:*fangirling*Paris!there's only one guy i want to share this night with!The guy i've been dreaming of since we've been appart!where's my Tyler?

Tyler:*cough*hey Linds!

Lindsay:Are you sure that's you?Cuz you look slightly different in my head.

Ale:everything looks slightly different in her head

me:*nudging him**giggling*dont ruin her dreams!she "just" got her Tyler back


Lindsay:Did you always wear a tracksuit?Oh,it doesnt matter,becuase us being in Paris means only one thing.

Tyler:I know.I love...


me:why was I expecting that?

Lindsay:I can pick up clothes for you!*fangirl*

Chris:*shushing her*there's no time for shopping!the fist challange is about to start!Everyone,inside the Louve!

CourtneY:Uh..I thinkyou mean Louvre!

me:I really love your accent,Court

Courtney:Merci beaucoup! (thank you)


well,I love when I can talk with people in other languages than english...really...I can talk with Alejandro in Spanish and With Courtney in French,so it"S AMAZING!Anyways,I willmake Chris give us some time to shop.As stupid as Lindsay is,I understand her,Andshe is just too lovable to not like her.she is like a little puppy...

Chris:Whatever!go already!

-challange starts-


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