Slap Slap Revolution

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DJ:Man,Im so sick of having this stupid animal mangling curse!

LeShawna:curse,shmurse.The more you believe that thrash,the more power it has over you!

DJ:wow.Really?Maybe you're right!

Owen:6 episodes and no eliminations!If we were a steak,we'd be a 32 hours power steak!And you guys would be a tiny slice of bologne

me:Owen!That wasn't nice at all!

Ale:need I remind you that we LOST the last challange?

Owen:With you as our leader,nothing is impossible!Heck,im not even afraid of flying anymore!

me:yeah.And what the hell am I here?A mango?

Owen:check this out!

he unbelt his...belts and started to fly around the plane.stupid Owen...

me:you just jinxed your luck.

The plane started to shake and the hole in our compartment reopened again.shit.And there is a hell lot of screaming...and Owen almost fell through the hole...





Ale:Gah!How dare he pervert the name of Alejandro Burromuerto!!

-End of Confessional-

Team Victory was able to help him and block the hole

me:Amazing job,guys.You are the best.

Lindsay:Thank you,Raven!!

A seagull flew on DJ's lap

DJ:no!shoo!go!you are not safe with me!

-falling in snow-

me:KYA!!!*falls* jeez thanks snow!

Ale tries to catch LeShawna,but....he became frost pancake...

me:where are we?

Chris:Guten tag,and welcome to Deutschland.A.K.A. Germany!

me:really Chris?If you wanted to say everything in german,why didn't you ask me?Guten tag und wilkommen im Deutschland!

Chris:We are in avalanche teritory so you might want to keep it down.

and...Lindsay started to fangirl for whoever knows the reason...bad idea...

*ding ding*

me:We should try to make it sound like Eine Kleine.

-after song-



Heather:Alejandro flirting with LeShawna?I would vomit,but he isn't even worth the puke!Did you hear that?Even his singing is up to something!ugh!

Owen:i smell...FOOD!It's BEAUTIFUL!*starts to eat raw meat*

Chris:easy tiger!don't think of it as raw meat.think of it as raw building material!over 5 hundred of species blah blah blah

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