Walk Like An Egyptian(ep.2)~Elimination

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*At the finish line*

Izzy:ohhh look!Team colours!

Harold:why the heck is our met(?) yellow?we are no cowards!

Leshawna:relax,sugar.the met's gold cause team victory's in first place!

Gwen:I can't believe Duncan got desqualified!just cause he won't sing!

Heather:Maybe he CAN'T sing

Courtney:Oh,he can do anything he sets his mind to.and now he's stuck on the plane waiting for a ride home.poor thing...he must be miserable

me:*to Ale*well....he quitted because he didn't want to sing,so why would he be sad?angry,yes because he hates singing,but sad?no chance.

Ale:*chuckling*now you are a psychiatrist?

me:hehe.more or less.

Sierra:DuncanXCourtney fans will be devastated!but I think you and Owen have a shot at becoming fave Total Drama couple on my fan site.

Izzy:Owen's magic.when he breathes,his nose whistles the national anthem

*Owen's nose whistles*

me:ok that is very weird.

Bridge:Tell me about it.

Sierra:super cute...but he's no Cody...did you know Cody have slept with his stuff emu until he was...well he still does.

Noah:and you know this how?

Sierra:I called his aunt once,I pretended I was a telemarketer



Chris:don't know about you,guys,but I'm loving Egypt

I was about to say something about this "loving" but Bridgette covered m mouth,and i sighed.

Chris:And Im gonna lovint it even more,watching you enjoy your second challange,the amazing Camel race!

Harold:where are the other camels?

Chris:There are no other camels.it's a CAMEL race,not a camels race.



goat:meeeh!Leshawna:we won last time,but they get a camel,they get a goat and we get a stick?

Chris:each reward has its advantages.trust me.you'll be racing in the world's most infamist water way:The Nile.Teams must bring their rewards all the way to the finish.you ave 60 seconds to strategize.

Heather:*on the camel*move it,people!it's a race!

Court:um Hello!it's TEAM Amazon,not Dictator-ship Amazon!

Heather:great.well i'll stop being bossy,when you'l start doing things great.

Izzy:yaaay!I get the throat.*weird noise*I just introduced myself in camelese.

Gwen:I...bet you did.

Cody:hey!fancy meeting you herecare for a slashie later(what?)

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