Am-AH-Zon Race

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I came in the Economy Class for Ale....I mean Izzy!Izzy i said! and see what SHE is doing. I sit on Ale's left.

me:Jeez,he can snore....AND drool at the same time....what a magnificent creature

Ale:tell me about it....grrrr....will you quiet down already?!*hitting him*

Owen:Crash position*freaking out**punching Ale's right eyes**knocking him down*Woaw...what a terrible dream...AL WHAT HAPPENED?

me:oh man,are you okay?well....okay in this situation,of course you arent okay.

Ale:*putting his hand over mine*Im fine...and nothing a little ice and revenge wont fix...

Owen:cool...wait!did you say revenge?

Ale:of course not!off topic,do you have any serious allergies?

me:*giggles**whisper* of course you'd say that

Owen:well...let's see now...


Owen:Sometimes I get that feeling that Al might not really like me that much.Punching him in the face...probably didnt help...unless he likes that kind of thing!heh fingers crossed!
And did you see them?Rainbow and Al were ALMOST holding hands!HOW SSWEET!Like Maple juice!

-End of confession-

me:come on,Ale,we got to do SOMETHING with that*pointing to his swollen eye*let's see what do I have here that can it!you will look JUST like Ciel Phantomhive.Just....a 19 years old spanish version who doesn't have a contract with a certain demon.*puts patc on his eye* well...Aye Aye Capt'n!


me:oh I get it!you are the captain,but I am but a sailor?

Ale:hmm...what about you are the cute mermaid I found in the sea?

me:I dont really look like a mermaid

Ale:well,for me you are.a really cute one,actually

me:*giggles* lets go*dragging him*

-start of the challange-



Tyler:what you think?left?yeah.left does feel good

me:*yawn*whatever you say,hopelessly inlove guy

Ale:didnt the princess sleep enough?

me:I thought I was a mermaid!what,now I cant swim anymore?

Ale:so you remembered

me:I dont forget things that easily.

Tyler:where's the haning on thingy part?

Chris:hanging on thingy?

Tyler:you know,the riding stick.graby-what you call it!*sigh*zipper buckle handle

me:*laugh*epic.just epic.I love when he is frustrated like that.

Chris:getting colder...?

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