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"So I'm dead?"

"Yes." The shining Arch Angel smiled gently and brushed her fingertips over Alfred's cheek. "But you have a pure soul and you are on your way to heaven. Just follow me, child."

Alfred glanced behind him. "But... My brother?"

The angel laughed softly and kissed his forehead. "He is fine, darling. Let's go." Alfred nodded and was about to take the angel's hand when he was abruptly snatched back.

"Sorry, ma charie!" A French accent drawled smoothly as a hot body held Alfred back. Alfred struggled. "I'll be taking this one with me."

"No!" The Angel screamed, then was held back by two other darkly dressed beings with dark, leather wings spread from their shoulder blades.

Alfred thrashed around in the blonde man's grasped. "What's going on!?"

"You're coming to hell, dear Alfred."


Sighing softly, Alfred slouched in his throne. It was uncomfortable, but he could see most of hell from the view. As the new ruler, he assumed he should watch over all of his torturous kingdom. He stood and spread his wings. He needed out. He couldn't stay in hell. It was too much. He hated hell. He closed his eyes and slowly fell until his wings caught the hot air he jerked up and flapped to get higher. Alfred flew directly out of hell.

He reached the growing city of London and glided over the quiet town. He spotted a small little cottage and dove down. He  entered through an open window, and rolled his eyes. Boys and a single girl were tossed all over their beds in the room. He walked through, then looked toward the corner where the second window let moonlight stream in and illuminate a boy, shivering and curled up on his bed.

The Demon smiled softly and made his way over to the small Brit. He sat on the edge of the bed and leaned closer. The blonde relaxed and uncurled in the slightest. Alfred noticed how the moonlight was bright enough to wake him, so he spread a single wing to block the light. Alfred smiled and brushed hair out of the Brit's face. He knew his demonic heat warmed up the cold boy. "I hope you don't sin. Someone like you shouldn't have to suffer hell. I can see your pure soul. Please don't sin, dear human."


"Where have you been going, my King?"

Alfred turned around to look at one of the friends he had made while in hell, Mathias. "Just visiting earth, can I not?"

The Danish man laughed, patting Alfred's shoulder. "I can't tell you what you can or cannot do. You are the King, Alfred. I was just curious. You've been disappearing once the sun sets on earth for the past month. Are you taking an interest in a human?" Mathias smirks and pokes at Alfred's sides.

The Demon King laughed and swatted away Mathias' hand. "If you must know, I have."

"Ah." Mathias nodded and sat on the floor. "Do you want me to drag this person down to hell to be with you? I will if you wan me to. You know it."

Alfred nodded. "I know you will. But I do not want this one in hell and it is not his time to die. He needs a wife and kids and a good, long life before he dies."

Mathias frowns, then nodded. "Alright. Do you need anything?"

The Demon hummed. "No. But maybe we can hang out later with Gil." Mathias laughed and nodded before bidding farewell and flying off to return to his duties. Alfred then returned to earth.

The cottage was a welcoming sight, bathed in moonlight. Alfred entered through the window once again an headed straight towards the Briton's bed. He did the same thing he had since the first night. He raised his wing to block out the moonlight and leaned close to warm up the small blonde. "I'm back, dear human," he whispered. He smiled, gently running his fingers through the human's soft hair. "If you were dragged down to hell, I could tell right away that you would be an incubus. You are beautiful enough.  But your body would be so used and tainted by whomever would lay with you. Men would be particularly drawn to you with your feminine body and beautiful features. I know I am. I envy your future wife. I wish I could have you all to myself, and I've never even seen your eyes, and I don't know your name. I wish I did."

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