Chapter 5:

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"I heard you."

Alfred stopped, then turned to Mathias. The Dane was leaning against a wall, he arms crossed over his chest. "Heard what?"

Mathias sighed, dropping his head. "You told the incubus we made that you were willing to have sex with it. You've been saving yourself for the real Arthur, and now that he's finally trusting you again, you're giving yourself to a lustful, fake beast."

The Demon King's lip quirked up. "Of course you don't understand why Arthur is suddenly so close to me. He is pulling an act." Alfred stepped closer to Mathias, his hands in his pockets. Mathias gulped. "Arthur wants out faster, and he thinks this will help. Arthur will never want me. What made you think that he just suddenly changed his mind about me?"

"I..." Mathias looked down. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have mentioned it."

Alfred chuckled. "It's fine. I'll just play along with Arthur's act and give him what he wants. Then I'll give the incubus what it wants as well."

The Dane nodded. "Alright. I'll go collect souls." Then he vanished.

The raven-haired man breathed in deeply, then headed back for his room.


The angel smiled when Alfred opened the bedroom door. "The bed is too big and lonely. How have you slept here for so many years?"

Alfred laughed. "I just have. I can't help it being lonely. Even the incubus doesn't fill the void." Arthur frowned at the mention of his imperfect copy.

"Come. See if I am of any company." Arthur opened his arms, inviting the demon to him. Alfred smiled and crawled over. He kicked his shoes off the bed and shrugged off his bomber jacket before wrapping his arms around Arthur's waist and resting his head on Arthur's chest.

He listened to the angel's heartbeat and closed his eyes. Arthur carded his fingers through Alfred's hair, avoiding the large, curling horns. Alfred hummed and breathed in the Angel's smell.

"Is it stressful? Being the King of hell?"

Said King chuckled. "Of course it is. I have to rule and control an entire kingdom, making sure everything is done as it is supposed to."

Arthur hummed. "Do you have any way to relieve your stress?" Arthur wondered, looking down at Alfred.

Alfred shifted. "I used to go to earth. But I stopped when you died. I haven't been to earth since, and I can't now because hell has been so busy. I need even the smallest break."

"What about sex? I hear that help relieve some stress and relaxes whomever does it." Arthur shrugged.

Alfred laughed. "And then deep regret and guilt afterwards. I'm not doing it unless it's the right person."

Arthur frowned and looked up. "How can you resist the incubus?"

Alfred smiled and looked up at Arthur. "Because he is not the one I want to lay with. He may look and sound similar, but he is not whom I want to be part of. He is not whom I want to share a precious part of myself with. But I may not be able to resist him forever."

The angel nodded. "Maybe..."


Arthur curled up in Alfred's arms, blankly staring up at the Demon King's sleeping expression. He sighed and nuzzled closer. "I... Somehow really did miss you... But I need to go to heaven before I fall again."


Alfred carded his fingers through Arthur's hair. He stared at Arthur's relaxed facial features. The small blonde breathed in slowly, nestled up against the larger man.

"You don't understand, Arthur... Not at all." He leaned back against the headboard and carefully pulled Arthur up to lay on his chest. "Being King is awful. Especially being King of Hell. I want to just hold you. I'm tired of Hell. I'm going to show you that I'm not bad. Not one bit."

(Sorry this is so short, but I can't figure how to continue from there, so CLIFFHANGER kind of.)

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