Chapter 11: Betrayal

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Arthur lay on the ground, tracing circles in the soft, heavenly dirt. That was a term he never thought he'd use on earth. Heavenly dirt. Those two words don't seem to fit together so well. Arthur sighed, letting his palm fall flat on the ground.


Said angel looked up to see 'the other grumpy angel.' Arthur sat up and greeted Lovino. "What are you doing? You've been just pitiful since you got back."

Lovino sat next to Arthur and the Brit groaned. "I just... I don't know, I got... I got used to Hell..."

"You fell in love in Hell," Lovino's tone suggested he was correcting Arthur. "You fell in love with the King of Hell. I know it. Geez, Arthur. Why'd you go and do that?" Arthur glared at his fellow angel whom only rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I know. Can't help who you fall for, dead or alive."

Shifting in the dirt, Arthur looked away. "I tried to not show him that I do, but then I figured that'd get me out faster, but... I just fell harder and I never want to leave his side... What if he thinks I was using him!?"

Lovino rolled his eyes. "Maybe he was the one who sent you out?" Arthur's eyes widened. "I mean, incubus' don't do anything unless their master tells them to or unless they really want something. What would the incubus get if you're returned to heaven?"

Arthur looked away. "I... I don't know..." Lovino nodded, but didn't say anymore.


Alfred's fingers rhythmically tapped on his hand rest of his throne as he stared dazedly out the windows. He didn't listen as Francis spoke and he wouldn't pay attention to his brother. The only one who could hold his focus was that damned incubus, and that was only half-hearted.

Speaking of, the incubus strutted up the steps to the throne in a robe that trailed behind him. "My King," Arthur whispered, sliding into Alfred's lap and cupping his face. Alfred grunted in acknowledgement, but didn't look at the being in his lap.

Arthur pressed his soft lips to Alfred's neck, shrugging so the silk robe would slip an reveal his shoulders. "My King," he repeated, running his hands down Alfred's torso. "I have missed you."

"You had me last night," Alfred grumbled, letting Arthur do as he pleaded. "You have no need to miss me."

Arthur pouted, slowly unbuttoning Alfred's shirt. "I thought I did? If it pleases you, I'll never say that I've missed you. I'll just show you that I have."

Alfred didn't say anything as the incubus trailed his lips down over his chest and abdomen, sliding off his lap and down to his knees in between Alfred's legs. "Why are you so melancholy, my King?" His slim fingers untucked and unbuckled Alfred's belt.

"That is my concern." Alfred leaning back in his throne, slouching. "Do not ask me again."

Arthur nodded. "Of course, master," he cooed, kissing the head of Alfred's cock. He glanced up for Alfred's reaction, but his King wasn't looking at him. He still boredly gazed out the windows. Arthur pouted, then circled his lips around his head. It's okay, my King. Just know that your angel could never possibly bring you near as much pleasure as I can.


Sorry this is short. I just felt the need to post something and I don't think I could continue this chapter. Hope you liked the little I could offer for today.

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