Chapter 9: Brother

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The red haired incubus hummed, skipping giddily through the halls, his plan mapped out perfectly. Today was the day!

The day where Alfred would be too distracted to notice a missing angel. He'd be much to joyous and relieved to pay any mind to the angel.

The incubus grinned, his body trembling with excitement. He could finally have his King! He would finally lay with his King, feel his King have his way with his body. Arthur was so excited! Too excited. He was finally getting his way.


"Alfred... We have a new demon."

Alfred looked up at Mathias, the Dane standing in the doorway of his bedroom. The King hummed, sitting up. "Alright. Tell them I'll be there momentarily. Keep an eye on them 'til I get there."

Mathias bowed his head and shut the door as he left. Alfred yawned and stretched his arms and wings before leaning over and kissing his angel's temple. "Arthur~... Arthur, it's time to wake up. I have to attend to my kingdom."

Arthur whined and rolled onto his stomach. "No~! I dun wanna get up!" The angel buried his face in Alfred's pillow. Alfred hummed, running his fingers through his lover's hair. Arthur hummed, relaxing. "Am I supposed to be waking up or falling back asleep?"

Alfred laughed and lifted up Arthur. The angel whined, but didn't struggle as he was embraced and pressed against Alfred's bare chest. Kisses were littered over his neck, lightly tickling him. Arthur smiled, but bit back giggles. "Alright, alright, I'm awake."

Alfred grinned. "Good. Now, let's get dressed."


Arthur hummed, leaning on Alfred as the King lead him through the hallways, their fingers entwined. Alfred ran his thumb over Arthur's knuckles, grinning.

"So," Arthur starts, "what's this official kingly business you must attend?"

The Demon King hummed. "New demon. Once a soul has finished paying for their transgressions, they're dragged from the pits by the flame-keepers, as we call them, and are transformed before given to me to asses. I give them rank and status and jobs, and I explain to them how things work under my rule." Arthur nodded. There was a comfortable silence between them after this until they reached the throne room doors. Alfred stopped and looked down at Arthur. "You... Arthur, you do realize I must return you to heaven, right?"

Arthur was taken aback by Alfred's sudden question. His eyes widen, then he drops his head and slumps his shoulders. "I don't want to leave..."

"I know," Alfred murmured, gently tugging Arthur in an embrace. "I know. I don't want you to leave, either." The King pressed a sweet kiss to Arthur's temple and ran his thumbs under watery, emerald eyes. "I love you, Arthur. It doesn't matter how far apart we are or how different. You'll always be on my mind." Alfred smiled warmly. "I'll always be yours. Always and forever."

Arthur chocked on a sob and tucked his face in Alfred's chest. "A-and I'll always be yours! I love you, too!"

Alfred rubbed Arthur's back, pressing his lips to the angel's hair. "I'll always be here for you," Alfred whispered, gently squeezing the small Brit.

Once Arthur calmed down, Alfred pulled back and gently kissed Arthur. "Let's not keep them waiting, sweetheart." Arthur nodded, grasping Alfred's jacket. "Need a moment?"

"No," Arthur murmured, shaking his head. "No, I can go with you." Alfred nodded, carding his fingers through Arthur's soft hair. Arthur smiled up at Alfred. "You have a demon to introduce to a new life."

Alfred laughed, a deep, throaty laugh that made joy and warmth bubble in Arthur's chest. "Come on, Artie!"

The King pushed the doors opened and tugged Arthur in. Arthur laughed softly, following Alfred. They both approached the demon, Alfred grinning brightly as he squeezed Arthur's hand.

Mathias looked over the demon's shoulder and ducked his head. "Bow to your King," Mathias demanded.

As the new demon tucked his arm under his chest and dipped his upper body, he turned to face Alfred. "M-my King," they whispered, head lowered.

Alfred's grip on Arthur's hand stiffened. Arthur looked up at Alfred, confused. Alfred was also puzzled, but scared. Recognition crossed his icy blue eyes. "Stand up..." His voice was soft, meek. Arthur placed his hand on Alfred's arm.

The demon stood straight, and Alfred's breath caught. Arthur studied the new demon.

Soft, rounded features, sharp violet eyes. Long, shoulder-length wavy hair with one odd curl. His demonic horns were more similar to small moose antlers.

"... Matthew?"

Arthur gasped, eyes widening. "Oh..."

Matthew furrowed his brows and tilted his head. "How do you know my name?" His voice was awfully soft. Arthur looked back up at Alfred.

A bright light resonated from Alfred, then flashed. The other three turned away and covered their eyes until the light vanished. Alfred was back to his human form.

Matthew's eyes widened. "Al..? Alfred?"

Alfred released Arthur's hand and threw his arms around his younger brother. "Matthew!" Said boy gasped, then returned the embrace and sobbed. "Matthew! Matthew, I'm so glad you're out of those damned flames! It hurt! It hurt so bad to see you suffering down there!"

The shorter man only wept, burying himself in his brother.

Arthur smiled and took a step back. Alfred finally got his brother back...


Arthur felt neglected for the first few hours of Alfred reuniting with his brother, but he pushed the feelings of jealousy and neglect aside. He was happy for his lover. He couldn't help the smile on his face as he watched the two brothers. Alfred explained to Matthew why he was the King of Hell instead of being in heaven. Matthew cried at the tale, and Arthur cried as well nearby, although he already heard the story.

Soon, however, Arthur decided to leave and let the two be. He would just wait in Alfred's room. Arthur knew that his lover may not return for hours, but he didn't mind.

Eventually, he fell asleep.


"...thur... Arthur... Artie, baby~."

The angel groaned, burying his face in the pillow after he was pulled out of the sweet dream he was having. "Nooo~!"

The demon laying beside him chuckled and kissed his temple. Arthur hummed and relaxed again. "I'm sorry for leaving you, babe. I was... I just-"

Arthur peaked up at Alfred through groggy eyes. "Alfred... You were with your brother whom you've only been able to see suffering for nearly two hundred years. It's okay. I understand."

Alfred smiled and gently pulled Arthur on top of him. "What did I do to deserve you?"

The angel hummed, snuggling into Alfred's chest. "You've been the kindest King of Hell, that's what. You're kind, and gentle, and caring, and a wonderful lover."

Alfred laughed, gently squeezing Arthur. "Really now?" Arthur nodded and hummed. "Hm... Glad to know that... I love you, Arthur. I'm very, very in love with you."

Arthur smiled and looked up at Alfred. "I'm very, very in love with you, too, Alfred." He shifted up and pressed his lips to Alfred's.

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