Chapter 4 :

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Arthur winced as he shuffled his wings. "Blimey..."

Mathias grumbled under his breath as he walked in. "I fucking hate Gilbert sometimes! He's suck a dick!" Arthur raised a brow and attempted to relax his wings. Mathias set a plate down on the nightstand beside the table and carded his fingers through his spiky hair. "Germans- excuse me. Prussians are so stuck up and self-absorbed and arrogant!"

The Angel smirked. "If that's the case, then Dane's are as well."

"Excuse me!?" Mathias glared at Arthur, jerking back in offence. "I'm nothing like that asshat!"

Arthur struggled to his feet. "You two act so alike that if you had the same voice and my back was turned, I wouldn't be able to tell a difference. That's why you two are friends, right? You're so similar and that's why you fight, but are still friends."

Mathias rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, whatever. I don't like listening to what 'high-and-mighty' angels have to say." Arthur returned the glare, but didn't respond. He knew it was true.

Since Alice visited a week ago, Alfred hasn't spoken to him. Only waited outside the door to ask Mathias how 'the guest' is doing. He also had the red-haired incubus clinging to him. Arthur recognized the burning in his gut when he saw the incubus on Alfred as jealousy, but he didn't want to act on it. He wanted to push it aside, but the feeling only grew the more he saw the demon.

Once again, when Mathias opened the bedroom door, the King of Hell and that incubus were there, Alfred waiting and Arthur touching. That now familiar feeling returned and Arthur shuddered. He locked eyes with Alfred just as the door shut.

Hurriedly, Arthur threw the blankets up and shuffled under them before curling up. The room was freezing. The fans were too loud. It was way too bright in the room. He couldn't sleep. The demons thought he was comfortable, but the only good thing about being in that room was the good food delivered to him and the soft bed. Arthur hated it in that room. He missed...

Arthur sighed, tugging the blankets around himself, trying to maintain his warmth.

He missed Alfred. He missed the comfortable warmth the demon would give him when he struggled to sleep. Arthur sat up and stared at the door.

Does he want that warmth that badly?


The throne he has sat in everyday was oddly uncomfortable that day. Whether it was his incubus rubbing up on him or what felt like every demon in hell coming up to him to report like they do once a month he wasn't sure, but he was glad he was able to finally make his way to his room. He momentarily paused in front of the angel's room, but then kept walking.

Arthur hovered over Alfred, toying with his hair and tugging at the collar of Alfred's jacket and shirt. "Come on, my master. I need you." He leaned down and licked the outside of Alfred's ear.

The King scrunched his nose and turned his head away. "No."

The incubus whined, throwing his arms around Alfred's neck. "Why not, your majesty!?"

Alfred sighed. "Because, Arthur. You know why. I will not give myself to someone who craves lust instead of love. Besides, I have never had sex before. I may not satisfy you."

"My master will always satisfy me if he will only have me his way!" Arthur protested, tears in his dark green eyes as he pouted.

"No sex, Arthur." Alfred gently pushed the whiny incubus off and opened his door. He froze, and breathed in the familiar, but out-of-place, smell. He opened his eyes, which then widened spotting the figure curled up under the covers.

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