Chapter 12: Rid

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The King hummed, chin set in the palm of his hand.

"Alfred, an angel is trying to visit. They are requesting permission to enter."

Alfred's gaze flickered over to Francis. The demon fidgeted. "No. Send them off and say if another angel tries to visit, they won't be returning to heaven."

Francis gulped and nodded. "O-of course... It's just... The angel is-"

"I don't care."

"It's Arthur."

Alfred shot to his feet, eyes hardening. "Then why the hell did you come to me with this?" He sneered. "You should know to attack him on sight!"

The Frenchman gulped and nodded. "I do know that's what you think you want... He says he wants to know why you sent him out of hell..."

The King's brows furrowed. "I sent him out? He let himself out and left a note saying that he doesn't regret stabbing me in the back."

Francis dipped his head. "That's what it seems, but he was confused when I asked him about the note. I think... Someone went behind your back and got rid of Arthur and covered it up with a note."

Alfred shook his head. "Who? Who would betray me? Him. He would. Heaven is where an angel belongs. He'd do anything to get out of hell to return to the damned clouds." Alfred waved his hand and sat back.

"Alf- My King," Francis corrected himself, bowing slightly. "I think... It's Arthur." Alfred raised a brow. "The incubus, not the Angel."

Alfred shifted and sat straight, intrigued. "I'm listening."

Francis sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "He asked me how to leave hell and how to bring someone with you... Then the Angel leaves while you're reuniting with your brother and the incubus gets just what he wants... Your body."

Silence settled over the two as Alfred ran the statements through his head. He stood and sighed, carding his fingers through his hair. "Bring him here. I need to get something from my room."

Francis nodded and went around the throne to return to the waiting Angel.


Arthur fidgeted, feeling strange as he stood in the throne room alone. Francis had left him to wait for Alfred while he went to attend his duties.

Slowly, hesitantly, Arthur stepped up the stairs and traced his fingers over the arm rests of the throne. He hummed softly, breathing in the musty scent. A small smile curled his lips.

"Why are you here?"

Arthur gasped and whipped around, pulling both hands to his chest. Alfred stood at the foot of the stairs, hands on his pockets. "Alfred..."

Alfred raised his chin. "Why are you here?"

The angel gulped. "I... I wanted to see you... I wanted to know why you had me sent away..."

"I didn't send you away." Alfred slowly came up the steps. Arthur trembled slightly, fingers gripping the fabric of his cloak. "I came to my room that night and found this note." Alfred pulled a slip of paper and held it out for Arthur.

Almost scared, Arthur took the paper and opened it. His eyes searched over it before he let it slip from his fingers. "I... I didn't write that... I wouldn't..." Arthur shook his head and looked up at Alfred, tears filling his eyes. "Please tell me you didn't believe this..."

Alfred turned, carding his fingers through his jet black hair. "Of course I believed it. What else was I supposed to do?" Alfred crossed his arms, still facing away from Arthur. "I'm the King of Hell. Anyone with me is damned to be in hell forever. I'd believe it if you'd do anything to return to heaven... Your home..."

Arthur stepped forward, reaching out to Alfred. "No, I wouldn't! I would've a long time ago, but I was with you and I didn't-..." Arthur gulped, hands over his chest. "I didn't want to leave you... I still don't want to be away from you."

Alfred turned his body, glancing over his shoulder at Arthur. "Who took you away?"

"Oh..." Arthur looked up. "The-the incubus... The one that looks like me."

The Demon's expression was blank for several moments before a deep growl rumbled in his chest and his fists clenched. "Of course it was him!" Alfred's wings shuddered and anger and he stomped forward back down the steps.

"Wait!" Arthur's hand lashed out and grabbed Alfred's wrist. Alfred stopped an his head whipped around to look up at the angel. "I... I..." Arthur's gave averted itself to the widows, grip loosening on Alfred's wrist.

The King's expression softened and he fully turned to face Arthur. He reached up, cupping Arthur's face in his hands to bring him down. Their lips met gently, Arthur's excitement bubbling in his stomach. The angel smiled as they parted. Alfred returned the soft smile.

"I'll be right back, Arthur. We can catch up. Sit on my throne, if you wish."

"I think I do wish." Arthur settled back into Alfred's throne and crossed his legs. "Yes. Just as comfortable as I recall."

Alfred chuckled, descending the steps backwards. "I will return to you momentarily, your majesty." Arthur blushed and bit his lip, shifting in the throne as Alfred flashed him a grin.

Once Alfred turned around, his expression hardened. Alfred strutted through the halls to his room where he was sure the incubus would be.

"My King!" Arthur cried happily, flinging himself at Alfred. "I just prepared myself for you so you don't have to do any other work!"

Alfred hummed, grabbing the incubus' wrist. "We should go somewhere else." Arthur's dark eyes sparkled as he hovered beside Alfred.

"So, where are we going, today? The throne? Lab tables? The fire room? The library?"

The King chuckled. "Just follow." 

Arthur nodded, then furrowed his brows as Alfred opened a familiar door. "Why here? Where I was made?"

Alfred hummed and shoved him in. "Gilbert."

The albino's head popped up towards the back of the room, then he scuttled over. "Yes, your majesty!?"

"Alfred's fine," The Demon hummed, raising his hand. "I need you to do something for me." Gilbert nodded eagerly. Alfred pushed the incubus into Gilbert. "Get rid of this."

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