Chapter 2 : Lie

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Francis hesitantly made his way closer to the King. "Alfred." He gave a slight bow of his head, noting how the incubus was nuzzled into Alfred, whispering words of want.

Alfred gave a smile. "Francis. What is it?"

The French demon gulped. "Well, your highness, I was out flying as I usually do once every week, and I saw a rookie demon attacking a defenseless angel." Alfred frowned.

"Did you stop them? Is the angel alright?" Alfred leaned forward, careful of the touchy incubus shifting around in his lap.

"I stopped them," Francis muttered, looking down, "but not before they broke both of the angel's wings and knocked him unconscious..." The Demon King scowled. "I told the demon that if she did it again, she'd be thrown in the pits until she learned her lesson. I caught the angel and brought him here."

"Is he a high ranking angel?" Alfred moved his head as Arthur moved to straddle his lap and kiss his cheeks and neck.

Francis shook his head. "No. I think he is just a messenger angel."

Alfred nodded. "Alright. Inform me of when he wakes. I would like to speak with him and tell him he is safe and will return to heaven as soon as he is strong enough to make that journey."

"Alfred..." Francis bit his lip, looking to the side. "You may want to see him, now, before he wakes and is angry that he is in hell."

"Why?" Alfred raised a brow.

Slowly, Francis gulped. "He's... Someone you know."

Alfred chuckled. "Really? Like who? Certainly not my brother. He's out in that pit, suffering for his sins. He can't be Alice, or my parents."

Chuckling, Francis shook his head. "No... He is none of them. It's, uh... The demon was attacking Arthur, your majesty."

The Incubus' and Alfred's heads snapped up, both their eyes wide. "But I'm not an angel, and I have been here this whole time?"

Alfred stood abruptly, the Incubus slipping off his lap. "Show me to him. Now."


Arthur groaned as he woke, the heat making his slumber uncomfortable. He slowly sat up, wincing from the pain bursting in his wings. "Ow... What happened? Oh, my head..." Arthur pressed his palm to his bandaged forehead, whining softly as the ache pulsed. "Where am I?"

Slowly, the sound of thundering footsteps faded in. Arthur looked over to the dark wood door, then shrieked as it slammed open. The sound made the pounding double.


Said angel looked up, confused. He then gasped, recognizing those icy blue eyes. "Al... Alfred?" Tears built up in his eyes as the demon neared. "You... You liar!"

Alfred jolted at Arthur's outburst and froze in his spot. Arthur grabbed his nearest defense, a pillow, and threw it. "You lied to me! How could you! And-and now I'm in hell! You probably sent that demon after me to drag me here!"

"What?" After furrowed his brows and slanted his eyes in concern. What are you talking about? I would never-"

"But you did!" Arthur snarled, attempting to stand on the bed, but fell right back down. "You were planning on convincing me to sin so I would go to hell! That's why you visited me! How could you!?"

The Demon King took a step back. "What? Who told you that?"

Arthur crossed his arms and glared. "No one. I was only told that you were the Demon King, and I figured out the rest on my own."

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