Chapter 13: Promise

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Arthur swallowed thickly, brows furrowed as he tried to process what Alfred had just told him. "You... You actually... You had sex with..?" Alfred nodded, head dropped ashamedly. "Why?"

"I was angry." Alfred raised his head, staring off to the side. "I was upset, mostly. Sad. I thought you'd just used me and left. The first time, he was there, as then after that, I grew angry and thought that I should be what was expected of me. I thought I should be the King of Hell."

The angel's breath shook. "So that's why... All the attacks?"

Alfred nodded again. "Yes. I told my demons that if they spotted and angel while they were up there then attack."

Arthur clutched the cloth over his chest. "All this... Because an incubus wanted sex."

The Demon sighed, carding his fingers through his hair. "For an incubus, sex is as essential as breathing and water is for humans. If he was an older incubus, you would have been gone the first second he felt you were a threat."

"But he was just barely created a few days before I was taken in." Alfred nodded in confirmation. "Sex being necessary does not justify his actions, Alfred!" Arthur shouted, taking a step back.

"I know. So I told Gilbert to do something with him." Alfred finally looked to Arthur, icy blue eyes pleading. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... If I had known... If I looked into it, if I asked... If I did anything..."

Tears built in both their eyes. Arthur buried his face in his hands, sitting on the edge of Alfred's bed. "I can't... I can't, Alfred..."

A soft, rustling noise sounded through the room and Alfred knelt in front of Arthur. "Please, Arthur... I'd do anything. I'd do everything to make it all up. I can't take it away, though I wish I could. I'm so sorry..."

Arthur sobbed softly. "Alfred, I don't know..." He murmured, then uncovered his face. Arthur gasped, eyes widening. "Alfred!"

Alfred knelt on one knee in front of Arthur, faded blue jeans and a plain white shirt on without his bomber jacket. His eyes were a soft, sky blue and his hair was a wheaten-gold color. His warm, un-gloved hands gently took both of Arthur's and lead them to his lips. "I swear, Arthur... I love you more than anything and everything. You're always on my mind and I always want to do good by you. You make me want to stay faithful to God and make myself better and better. Loosing you was like someone tore my heart and soul and mind away from me. I've always loved you, I still love you, and I will keep loving you. I'll do whatever it takes for you to at least tell me you love me again." Alfred's eyes closed as he whispered his promise into Arthur's hands. He pressed his lips to the back of Arthur's hand, then the inside of his palm. His soft lips trailed then pressed to Arthur's fingertips. Alfred reached up, cupping Arthur's cheek and leaned up. His soft lips pressed gently against the corner of Arthur's eye, kissing away a stray tear.

Arthur's shoulders relaxed, his eyes fluttering closed. "Alfred..."

"I love you, Arthur..." Alfred opened his eyes to gaze at Arthur. "I really do. And I'm so sorry." Alfred stood, leaning down to nuzzle his nose in Arthur's hair and kiss his head. "I'm so, so sorry."

Arthur nodded slowly, squeezing Alfred's hands. "Alfred... I-I think I should return to heaven..."

Alfred paused. Slowly, he pulled away, eyes down cast. "Of course... You should probably go back." His hold on Arthur's hands loosened.

The angel stood. "Yeah..."

They both stood in silence for a minute before Arthur reached up. He cupped Alfred face and stood on his toes. Arthur closed his eyes and pressed a soft, lingering kiss to Alfred's cheek. "I wish you will stay to your promise."

Alfred's lips cracked in a small smile. "I will."

Arthur nodded. "I'll be leaving now... I'll see you, Alfred." Alfred nodded, then watched as Arthur left the room, glancing barely over his shoulder before shutting the door behind him.

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