Chapter 10:

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Arthur collapsed on Alfred's bare chest, panting heavily.

Alfred hummed, caressing Arthur's hip as he tugged the covers over their bare bodies. "Arthur," he murmured, pressing a kiss to the angel's temple. "Arthur, I want you to stay with me."

The angel smiled up at Alfred, carding his fingers through the demon's raven black hair. "I want to stay with you, too." Their sweaty chests rubbed against each other as Arthur shifted up to kiss Alfred's lips. "I love you, Alfred."

Alfred smiled. "I love you, Arthur." He rolled them over so he was on top. "I love you, I love you. You're wonderful and beautiful." Arthur laughed softly as Alfred rubbed their noses together. "I love you."

"And I love, love you."



Arthur looked up with a smile as the bedroom doors opened, expecting to see his lover. His smile sunk as the incubus stepped in.

"Angel Arthur." The incubus dipped his head in a bow, then stepped closer to the angel. "Alfred wishes to see you in the throne room." Arthur tilted his head, confused. "He would come to get you, but he's with his brother."

"Oh!" Arthur smiled and stood. "Alright! Let's go." Arthur hummed as he followed the incubus through the halls, impatient to see Alfred. Once the throne room doors opened, Arthur furrowed his brows. "Uhm... Where's Alfred?" He looked back at the incubus.

Incubus Arthur grinned, leading the angel forward. "Come with me. He'll be here in a moment." Arthur slowly nodded and followed the redhead. Arthur looked around warily, a bad feeling sinking in his stomach.

The incubus muttered under his breath and spread his leathery wings. Arthur gasped and shouted as the floor fell out in front of him. He jumped back, eyes widening. "What's going on!?"

The incubus grinned, stepping beside Arthur. "You're going home. That's what you wanted, right?" He raised his hand and shoved the angel down.

Arthur screamed, flailing and flapping his wings wildy. His wings burned with the effort, tears welling his eyes. "Alfred!" He cried, reaching up to the black figure spiraling down towards him. Arthur gasped as he was grabbed and abruptly halted.

"Let's get you the hell away from my King," the incubus hissed as Arthur blacked out.


"... you sure?"

Arthur rolled his head, eyes fluttering as he began to wake.

"My King has said his wings aren't fully healed, but should be fine within a week."

Arthur opened his eyes fully. Alice stood in front of the incubus.

Alice nodded, but didn't looked fully convinced. "Why is he unconscious?"

The incubus glanced down at the angel laying on the ground. "The trip out was too much, I suppose. It's rather violent."

Arthur groaned, trying to sit up. "Alice?"

"Oh!" The older angel gasped and gathered Arthur in her arms. "Arthur, you're awake. Come on, let's go home!" Alice grinned, helping Arthur stand. She then turned to the incubus, taking all of Arthur's weight. "Thank you for bringing him to me, Arthur. I wish you well."

Arthur nodded, a devilish grin spreading across his face. "And I wish you well. You, too, Angel Arthur."

Arthur shuddered. "W-wait," he rasped, trying to step closer. However, the incubus vanished. Alice steadied the young angel.

"Please, don't push yourself. Come on, Arthur. We need to get you back to heaven to fully heal your wings."

Arthur wasn't listening. His green eyes darted around, looking for some sign that this wasn't real. He didn't want to leave. He wanted to stay with Alfred. "Alfred," he murmured, stepping back. "Where's Alfred?"

Alice furrowed his brows in concern. "He's busy, Arthur. Come on. Let's go home."


"You know," Alfred started, lounging over a dark, leather couch as his brother watched in amusement. "I actually fell in love again."

Matthew smiled and tilted his head. "Yeah? With that angel?" Alfred nodded. "I'm happy for you."

Alfred grinned, lolling his head to face Matthew. "Thanks. But I actually fell in love with him when he was on earth. When he was alive. That was just over a century ago." Matthew hummed and nodded. "I'm so glad you're finally out of that pit... I hated seeing you in there. I've tried getting you out, but I couldn't. I've gotten so many scars..."

Matthew furrowed his brows. "Alfred... You shouldn't have... It's my fault you were killed. I did all those things. You shouldn't have given up so much for me. I'm a terrible, horrible person."

"Matt," Alfred whispered, sitting up. "No, you're not... You just had a crap life and handled it the wrong way. And don't blame yourself for that, okay? It happens, alright?"

"I knew they were going to kill me, Al." Matthew looked down. "I put you in front of that gun on purpose. I did kill you. It is my fault." Alfred sighed, looking down. Matthew fidgeted.

Alfred stood. "I'm going to go find Arthur." Then he left the lounging room.


"Arthur?" Alfred's tail flicked as he stepped into his room. "Arthur, where are you?" The Demon King sat on the edge of the bed, confused. Arthur should be in here. He always was when waiting for Alfred.

He looked around, then spotted a folded paper on one of the night stands. Alfred reached over and grabbed it. On the front, curvy, beautiful letters formed his name. He unfolded and read the note.

Demon King,
I'm leaving. I'm returning to heaven. I've found a way to leave, so I'm going. I knew you loved me so I used that to my advantage to leave. I'm not sorry for that at all. All I've wanted is to leave hell. Our 'love' was just a distraction. So, thank you for hosting me, I must say farewell.

Arthur Kirkland

Alfred let the paper flutter from his fingers and buried his face in his hands. "He's... Been using me?"

The incubus outside the cracked open door wiped the smile off his face and replaced it with concern as he stepped in.

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