Chapter 3 : Visitor

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Francis knocked on the Demon King's bedroom door. "Alfred?"

Said demon glanced behind him toward the door. "Come in, Francis." He slid his shirt off over his head, and his bare back was instantly being touched by lustful fingertips and lips.

The French demon gulped and opened the door, then flushed at seeing Arthur, the incubus, touching and kissing Alfred's back. "U-uhm, you have a visitor."

Alfred raised a brow, grabbing another shirt. "Oh? I'm guessing from heaven. High ranking angel?"

"Well," Francis rubbed the back of his head. "I think she had help from a high ranking angel to get down here because she is a normal angel, but... Well... It's Alice."

"Alice?" Alfred yanked his shirt on and whipped around to face Francis. "Are you sure it is Alice?" Francis nodded. Alfred let a small smile curl his lips. "Stay here, Arthur," Alfred mumbled before following Francis out of his room.

Once Alfred reached the throne room, he tossed the doors open, and grinned. "Alice."

The angel standing in front of the throne turned around to meet Alfred's icy blue gaze, and smiled. "Alfred." She descended down the stairs as Alfred dashed across the room to meet her open arms. "Oh, Alfred! It's so nice to see you, again!" Alice laughed, being spun by the demon.

Alfred grinned, setting Alice down. "You have no idea how happy this makes me! I haven't seen you in two centuries." He cupped her cheek and rubbed his thumb just under her eye as his other hand was placed on her hip. "I missed you, Alice."

Alice giggled, placing a hand over his and her other over his own cheek. "I missed you as well... Hell hadn't changed you one bit, has it? You're still the kindest soul I've ever met."

The King of Hell hummed, leaning into her hand. "I hate being down here, Alice. I want to be in heaven. I miss holding you like this. But, I wouldn't have known all these souls down here that were dragged to hell just as I was. I wouldn't have been able to slow down the demon attacks on angels."

"That is true. But I must ask... How have you stayed so pure being the demon King? Anyone could have been blinded by the power they held as the King of Hell." Alice tilted her head as they began to sway.

Alfred shrugged. "I don't know. I guess my goal is still to reach heaven."

Alice smiled warmly, leaning closer and embracing Alfred once again. "Your appearance has changed, but your soul remains the same. But I suppose that is why I had loved you. You were always so kind and never let anything sway you from your path."

Alfred chuckled, his arms set around her slim waist. "Yes... But I doubt your reason for visiting is to see your fiancé. If it was, you would have visited long ago."

Alice sighed, resting her head on his chest. "No, though I wish it was. I was sent down to see if our angel, Arthur, was still alive."

"He is," Alfred stated, stopping their gentle dance. "Francis had saved Arthur from death at the hand of another demon, and brought him down here to patch him up. Both of Arthur's wings are broken and he had a concussion. I was going to send him on his way as soon as he had strength enough and was healed enough. However, he is very uncooperative."

The angel laughed softly. "Is that so? I remember when he came to heaven. He was asking to see his guardian angel. He was asking why his guardian angel wasn't the one who had taken him to heaven. He was simply heart broken when he learned who you truly were and had been angry since. I believe he is the angriest angel in heaven, second to an angel named Lovino."

"Italian?" Alfred tilted his head. Alice nodded. "That must be the boy Antonio talks about constantly." Alice laughed, breaking away from the embrace. "Would you like to speak with Arthur?"

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