Chapter 8: Should be me

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As he listened through the shut doors, the incubus sobbed softly. He fell to his knees, sitting back on his ankles, hearing the moans and gasps of the angel that his King had taken in.

"M-my King... My beloved master... Why such a-a filthy angel? Why not me? A-am I not-not good enough? I thought you wanted me? I thought I would be the one to please you?" Arthur wept against the dark doors, listening as the other Arthur cried for his King. The incubus sneered to himself. "That should be me saying his name!" His leathery wings shook with anger as he shot to his feet. "Only I should be allowed that! Only me! He is mine, you stupid, filthy, no good angel! Mine! Mine, mine, mine!" Tears poured from his forest green eyes, filled with rage as he stomped and balled his fists. "I'll have him! I will! You'll be gone and I'll be the one to please him! He won't even think about you, anymore!"

Quickly, the Incubus turned and ran down the hall, wanting to know of a way to rid of the angel without his King knowing.


Arthur hummed softly, curled up in Alfred's lap as the King sat in his throne. Alfred's hands placed themselves on Arthur's thigh and on his side, holding him close. The Brit sighed softly, closing his eyes and breathing in Alfred's scent.

"It's quiet," Arthur murmured, taking Alfred's hand that had been on his thigh into both of his. Alfred chuckled, pressing his nose into Arthur's hair. "I was expecting hell to be a lot louder. And hotter."

"Well," Alfred hummed, "it's a lot louder and hotter down by the flames. Any mortal or angel would die being within a mile of that flame."

"How can you stand being near it?" Arthur pulled back and looked up at Alfred. "It must be awful."

Alfred nodded. "It is. It's hot, even for demons who can stand in a bomb fire and not be affected at all. Those who have sinned on earth, their soul is sent right into those flames until their sins are paid for. Then they become a demon. A weak demon, just another soldier in the army- but a demon none-the-less. I hate it."

The angel raised his hand and cupped Alfred's cheek. "What about your brother?" Alfred's icy blue eyes saddened as he sighed. "Oh... Oh, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have asked such a question!" Arthur shrunk back, taking his hand away.

However, Alfred gently grabbed Arthur's small hand and placed it back on his cheek. "I've tried getting him out, but... It's no use. He's been down there since he died. I don't know how long until he's out..."

"What..." Arthur trailed, hesitating. "What will you do when he's out?"

Alfred chuckled and grinned. "I'd hug him." Arthur blinked, looking up at Alfred. He had a dazed, relieved expression softening his sharp features. Arthur smiled, running his thumb under his watering eye. He must be picturing it. "I'd just hug him. That's all I'd be able to do. I'd just be so happy to have my little brother again and not see him suffering. I hate it... So much."

The angel sat up and moved himself around so he straddled Alfred's lap, then cupped Alfred's face. His expression was so pained and sorrowful. Arthur leaned forward, pressing his lips to Alfred's. Alfred's rough hands gripped Arthur's hips, tugging him closer until their torsos pressed together and he had to lean his head back to keep his lips connected. The Brit moaned softly, Alfred's hot hand trailing down and groping his thigh.

Arthur gasped, arching his back slightly as Alfred grabbed his ass. He moaned and whined, the Demon King pressing gentle kisses over his jaw and down his neck. "Alfred," Arthur whispered, his heart erratically beating in his chest as his lover touched him so gently with his rough hands. "Alfred, n-not in here... Anyone c-could just walk in."

The Demon King chuckled. "Hold on tight." Arthur tilted his head, then gasped as black smoke abruptly surrounded them. The angel tucked his head in Alfred's shoulder, gripping his shirt. Slowly, he felt cool air around him and looked up.

"We're in your room," Arthur murmured, looking around. Alfred chuckled and nodded. "How?"

"Perks of being a devil." Alfred grinned, burying his nose in Arthur's neck. They sat for a moment, Alfred caressing Arthur's hips before he spoke again. "I'm in love with you. I loved Alice, but I'm in love with you."

Arthur froze up, feeling as of his heart stopped momentarily. He trembled and sobbed softly, curling his fingers into the fabric of Alfred's shirt. Alfred pulled away to look at Arthur and used his thumbs to gently wipe away the streaming tears. "Arthur?" The demon questioned, brows furrowed in concern.

"I-I'm in l-love wi-ith you, t-too!" Arthur wept, rubbing his own tears away with his palms. Alfred chuckled, gently taking ahold of Arthur's wrists. Arthur's watery eyes met with Alfred's as the King leaned closer before closing them. Alfred's lips were warm and rough against his, the sensation making his body tremble. Alfred twisted around and lay Arthur on his back, careful of his feathery wings as he lay his own heavy body on top of Arthur.

Alfred ran his hands down Arthur's thighs, raising the Angel's legs to wrap around his hips. Arthur sighed softly, the Demon King pressing fluttering kisses down his neck. "You're beautiful, my angel," Alfred whispered, untying Arthur's robe. The angel gasped, the cool air from the fans hitting his bare skin. He shuddered, closing his eyes and lolling his head to the side as Alfred touched him and re-explored him. "Do you want me to leave the fans on?"

Arthur shook his head. "C-can you please... Turn them off?"

"It'll get hot without them."

"I like the heat," Arthur seductively into Alfred's ear, reaching down and grabbing the bulge in Alfred's jeans. Alfred smirked.

"Of course," he chuckled, grabbing Arthur's ass once more before getting up to turn off the fans that had been previously placed there for Arthur. Once he finished, he turned back to Arthur.

The angel spread out on his bed, bare of clothing right before him was a sight to behold. He licked his dry lips as he got back onto his bed. "Do you want to do it again," he murmured, caressing Arthur's slim waist.

Those bright, emerald green eyes told him everything he needed to know. Alfred smiled and nodded. "I'll be gentle."


"Oh, Franis~!" The red-haired incubus skipped down the hall towards the blonde demon, very happy with his plan, although needed some basic knowledge.

Confused, Francis turned and tilted his head at Arthur. "Oui? What is it?"

Arthur giggled, wrapping his arms around Feancis' right arm. "I just need to know one little tiny thing." Francis raised a brow. "I need to know how to teleport to earth and back, and if it's the same if you're taking someone."

Francis hummed, taking his arm back. "Why would you like to know?"

The incubus smiled. "No reason~!" Francis looked suspicious, but began to explain to the needy incubus.

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