Chapter 1 : Incubus

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Alfred walked through the silent halls, his shoes creating the only noise that echoed off the dark walls of the mansion. Occasionally, Alfred could hear the screams and cries and pleas of the souls burning and drowning in their sins. Alfred couldn't help those poor souls. He had tried several times before. Not a thin could be done for them now. That pained Alfred to know that those people had turned themselves away from God, that they were tempted to do something because it brought them momentary joy or a great, temporary release, which then was the cause of their downfall to eternal torture. Alfred watched the fire and listened the cries everyday, memorizing it all. Memorizing the Kingdom he now reigned over.

Ever since he had become King of Hell, he's tried to lessen the amounts of souls pouring into hell, but some of his followers wouldn't obey him as they were supposed to. But he knew there had to be temptations for the humans on earth. That was what God's plan had been, so he never tried to stop it completely, no matter how much he wanted.

Alfred was just glad that no child under eight years old was dragged down into the pits of hell. They were not accountable for their sins and they were taken straight to heaven. No question, no struggle, and no interference from hell.

The Demon King stopped at a sudden crashing sound and loud cursing.

"Hold it down, shithead!"

"You're the shithead, Mathias! You hold it down!"

"I'm older than you, dumbass! You grab it!"

"Someone just fucking hold it down!"

"You do it!"

"No, you!"

"Why can't you do it?"

"Someone just fucking do it before Alfred finds us!"

"Gilbert had to do it!"

"Damnit, Mathias! Stop being a fucking child!"

"Mi amigos, someone needs to grab it before it escapes and finds him!"

"I need my King!~"


"I'm trying, dipshit!"

"Fucking whore!"

"You're a faggot, Mathias!"

"Am not, jerkoff!"

"Shut up, jackass!"

"I didn't say anything!"

"Than I wasn't fucking talking to you!"

Alfred chuckled and shook his head. Those four are unbelievable. Alfred stepped closer to the large door the commotion was coming from.

"Grab it before it reaches the door!"

"Fuck, this slut is fast!"

"No shit, Sherlock!"

Alfred rolled his eyes and opened the door.

Everyone inside the room froze in place. Gilbert was in such a shock, he fell from where he was previously hovering.

"Oh, my King!" A short man Alfred didn't recognize flew directly into Alfred and tightly embraced him. Alfred rose a brow as he was nuzzled into. "My King, my lovely King!~"

Said King looked up at the four demons ducking their heads in shame. "What's this?" Alfred gestured to the demon giggling and rubbing against him.

Mathias nudged Gilbert who in turn shoved him to the ground. Antonio stepped up. "That is an incubus, your majesty. We made it out project to create a demon to replicate the angel, Arthur, so you could have him near like you wanted. But... It didn't work like we'd hoped. He had red hair and dark eyes and we couldn't get the personality right. We're sorry. We shouldn't have been melding with such things. We will take whatever punishment you give us." The Spaniard's head ducked further.

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