Chapter 7: Tender

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"What?" Alfred furrowed his brows.

Arthur swallowed, tugging on Alfred's shirt. "I loved you. I was in love with you when I was alive. I still love you, I was just convinced that you wanted me in hell! When I heard about you accepting that incubus' offer, I felt like my heart was ripped out. Please, have me..."

Alfred gulped loudly, still confused. "Arthur... Do you know exactly what you're asking?"

"Of course I do!" Arthur snapped, then shied back. "I-I do... I just... I'm... I really don't want your first experience to be with an incubus and I really... I want to feel apart of you. I want to give myself to you."

The King sighed, gently pulling Arthur into an embrace. "I know you know what you're asking for, but I want to know if you understand the weight of it. Arthur, your first time is precious. It isn't something you should take lightly."

Arthur jerked back and glared at Alfred. "You bloody hypocrite! It'll be your first time that you'll have with the bloody incubus!"

"It's only expected of me." Alfred tucked hair behind Arthur's ear. "I'm the King of Hell. I was expected to surround myself with riches and succubus and incubus the moment I was crowned King. Two hundred years later, I'm still a virgin. Arthur, the urge is so strong to do as all the other Kings of Hell's past have done. I won't be able to keep myself for long."

The Brit bit his lip, looking down. "I understand... So, while you're still you, lay with me. Give yourself to someone you love. I know you do love me. I see that sad look in your eyes when I'm angry with you." Arthur looked back up at Alfred, looking into his eyes. "I love you, too, okay? So, please... Do this with me. That way you won't give something precious to someone you don't even care about."

Alfred sighed. "You're not going to stop until I do, are you?" He smiled softly.

Arthur nodded. Alfred chuckled and softly kissed Arthur's forehead. "Alright. Only if you're ready."

"I am."


Arthur gasped and shuddered as his robe was gently removed from his body, kisses pressing against his bare chest. "Alfred..."

Said man hummed, his warm, calloused hands caressing Arthur's skin. "What is it?" Alfred kissed Arthur's neck.

The angel tangled his fingers in Alfred's hair. "Stay like this." Alfred blinked and shifted to look down at Arthur. The angel stroked his cheek. "This is the real you, isn't it? This is what you looked like alive and what you would have looked like- minus the wings and halo- if you had gone to heaven. I want the real you. You're beautiful." Alfred smiled and kissed Arthur on his pink, parted lips. "Your gentle blue eyes," Alfred trailed his lips over Arthur's jaw, "your wheaten blonde hair," the Demon King shrugged off his jacket and tugged his shirt off over his head, "and your golden-brown skin..." Arthur cupped Alfred's face bringing him down for a tender kiss. "Your soft touch is all I need to prove to me that you do love me as I love you. I'm sorry for being so cruel to you."

Alfred smiled and kissed Arthur once more. "It's okay. I forgive you." Alfred shuffled his pants off. "I love you, too."

Arthur whined and curled his toes as Alfred hesitantly pushed a finger inside of the angel. Alfred raised Arthur's hips and leaned down to whisper in his ear. Arthur tightly grasped the sheets, staring up at the black ceiling. He then gasped and slightly arched his back as Alfred added a second digit. "Alfred!"

Said demon kissed Arthur's shoulder and stretched his fingers apart, scissoring them out to prepare Arthur. "This will hurt for a while, Arthur."

The angel whimpered and nodded, then gasped as Alfred curled three fingers inside of him. "Al!" Tears built up in his eyes and he tangled his fingers in Alfred's soft hair, not having to avoid large horns jutting out of his head. "I-I need you, Alfred.... I need you. I love you."

Alfred pulled his fingers out and hummed. He raised his head and looked down into Arthur's eyes. "I love you, too." Alfred leaned back down and connected their lips. "I'll be as gentle as I can..." He whispered, continuing to kiss Arthur.

Slowly, Alfred moved his hips forward, carefully burying himself in Arthur's hole. Arthur cried out in pain, thighs tightening around Arthur's walls tightened around Alfred's shaft. Alfred kissed away fast-falling tears, shuddering at how tight his angel was.

"I'm sorry, Arthur. I know it hurts..." Alfred caressed Arthur's sweaty, pale skin, comforting his angel and taking his mind off the pain of being filled for the first time. "It's okay... It'll pass, I promise... It won't hurt so much in just a moment."

Arthur whimpered, tugging on Alfred's hair. "B-blanket... Please..."

Alfred nodded, reaching behind him, then covered their bare bodies with the dark sheets. "Better?" Arthur nodded, his body steadily relaxing. "Just tell me when you want me to start moving."

Again, Arthur nodded, taking deep breaths. "O-okay... You c-can move..."

"Are you sure," Alfred whispered, shifting his hips back. Arthur gasped and shuddering before breathing out a soft 'yes.'

Alfred started out smoothly and gently. He didn't want to hurt Arthur more than he was already hurting. The demon wrapped his arms around the smaller angel, holding him close. "I swear I'll get you back to heaven," he murmured, but Arthur didn't respond other than with soft moans and whines.


(Geez, took long enough for me to get this out! I'm not in the mood to continue this lemon, so I'm sorry for those who were looking forward to it. Anyway, should I continue writing this? If you want to read more, just comment here and give me some ideas, 'cause I have no clue what to do. I have a few ideas, but not enough to finish this. Thanks for reading!)

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