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This might be a little rushed but it's a rushed chapter for Brooke!! No longer evil  


" But Clarke, This time we have a choice, are you sure you're making the right one? ".

Just one-second, one word and your certainty is gone.

Your heart sinks at the idea that yet again she's closing herself off and pushing people away.

After how far you've seen her come, you're pleading in your mind,

Please Lexa, Stay with me.

" What are you talking about? ".

" Coming to Polis, Are you sure it's what you want? ".

You want,

She's worried about what you want.

Of course this is what you want, this is what you've wanted since she invited you that day at Mount weather.

" Of course. Where is this coming from? ".

You feel like you're being blind sided. Not even five minutes ago you're sure this was what she wanted, Same as three months ago when she asked you to come with her. What changed? What' is she thinking?

" If you're here your people can keep you safe. In Polis I can't guarantee your safety ".

You want to cry, How can someone whose been through so much, Lost so many, Someone who has so much weight on her shoulders care about one persons safety? About your safety.

" Lexa I swear coming to Polis with you is what I want. If you're worried couldn't you just, command your people? I mean you are Heda ".

" Clarke it's not that simple, I command the clans in times of war and in political matters, They all have their own leaders to guide them in other matters, I can only guarantee your safety with Trikru, on Trikru territory ".

" What if I were to come to Polis for political business? ".

" Like an ambassador? ".

" Exactly. Wouldn't I have some level of safety? ".

You don't care what the title is, you just want to be in Polis, away from this place, away from your mother, away from everything, Except her.

She seems to be turning the idea over in her head but you can tell she isn't convinced. It's sweet how much she cares, but she doesn't understand how much you need to leave this place, these people. You need this, you need her.

" I could have a guard? You could teach how to fight! ". You're pleading at this point but you couldn't care less, In this moment you'll do anything.

" Clarke, there are people in Polis, who wont like your presence, My advisor will not accept this, My other ambassadors wi- ".

" What do you want Lexa? ".

You don't care what her ambassadors think or what her advisor wants, you want to know what she wants.

" Clarke " She breathes the word.

" Lexa ".

" Of course I want you to come to Polis ".

" So what is it then Lexa? I can tell there's something else ".

She watches you for a moment, and you're frozen under her gaze, slowly she lifts her chin and swallows, something you've learnt she does when she's talking about things like this, her feelings, things that she wouldn't share with anyone but you.

" If something were to happen to you Clarke " She stutters, her words laced with worry " I wouldn't be able to live with myself ".

That catches you off guard, you had been expecting something along the lines of her people wouldn't accept a member of Skaikru in their capitol but this, this is going to be harder to work around.

" So i'll stay with you, by your side " She raises an eyebrow, obviously confused, You know this is a risky thing to bring up, something that could either make or break this deal but she needs to know. " No one can hurt me if you're there right? ".

" You would trust me enough to put your life in my hands? ".

She needs to know you still trust her.

" Lexa, you have been sitting here and fighting me coming to Polis because you don't want me to get hurt " You say, drawing each word out. " You risked your life to come here and make sure I was okay. So yes, I trust you ".

" Clarke " She breathes. " Your trust is more than I deserve and I swear I will never betray it again". You watch her, her hand is shaking almost as much as her voice. " I will treat your needs as my own, And put your safety above my own, I swear fealty to you Klark Kom Skaikru ".

Your heart is literally beating out of your chest, You'd always read about this feeling in books but up until now you thought it was just an over-exaggeration carried on from author to author, book to book. But here as you stand looking down at her you can hear each heart beat pounding in your ears. If you didn't know her better you'd say she was reciting wedding vows, This girl has literally got you speechless.

" Lexa, I... Thank you. Does this mean I can come to Polis? " You ask, smirking knowing fully in her own way she has already said yes.

" I wouldn't have it any other way. When we get back to Ton DC I will send riders to set up a bed in the room closest to mine, I will keep you safe I swear ".

" Really?? " You shout overjoyed, without a second thought you throw your arms around her neck and squeeze her tight " Thank you Lexa ".

" Clarke " She says a hint of pain hidden in her voice " Injured remember? " she laughs.

" Oh sorry, sorry I forgot. Did I hurt you? " You ask pulling away searching her eyes, making sure she doesn't get away with telling you anything but the truth.

" I think i'll survive Clarke " She says smiling, a genuine smile bringing a mirror image to your face.

" Have you finished packing the bags? Need any help? ".

" The bags are packed, You should sleep ". Just the thought of sleeping makes you yawn, Lexa raises an eyebrow in challenge.

" So do you Clarke ". You smile, she's right you do need sleep but how can you sleep with so much racing through your mind?

" I'm not gonna get any sleep tonight, too much to think about ".

" I fear we share the same fate " she jokes.

" Are you always this poet-".

" Alright girls it's now or never, Abby has the guards on look out for us but they change shifts in five minutes so we can slip out through the gate then, You two ready to go? " Kane asks bursting into the room a pack on his back and a gun hanging around his waist. A new look you can't say you don't like, and it's only now that you get a good look at him that you notice the impressive beard he was growing, it's hard to believe you missed it the first time.

" You ready? " You ask the brunette pulling her up from the bed so she is standing, barely, by your side. You wrap Lexa's arm around your shoulder and keep your arm around her waist to stop her from collapsing again, You reach down, but before you can reach the backpacks Kane runs forwards and hoists them both onto his shoulders.

" Ready " Lexa says with a weak smile.

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