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After the teacher explained who would be partnered up with who she went on to talk about social experiments. She suddenly looked as if a lightbulb lit up on top of her head, "Alright class, what would you guys think of doing some social experiments of our own?" the class looked at Mrs.Smith, waiting on her to elaborate her ideas with them. The teacher sat down at her desk vigorously typing on the computer before standing up infront of the class again. She explained that the first step to her idea that she thought would be "brilliant" for their class was a "friendly" debate amongst the students. She had the class take the stools that they sat on at their tables and bring them to the center of the room, forming a line of chairs on the left and right. All the students sat down and waited on the teacher to give them their topic of debate.

"Alright we are going to start a unit that I think a lot of you will enjoy, Relationships Project is what we'll call it." Stiles and his group of friends groaned while most of the girls giggled and clapped their hands together lightly. She stood at the front of the room and announced their first topic of debate, Stiles couldn't help but smirk as he saw Lydia in the opposite of his, he was definetly going to enjoy pushing her over the edge with whatever they were going to debate about.

Mrs. Smith paced to the front of the room and faced the class with an excited smile on her face, "Our first topic will be relationships. This will work well if you know the people on your side, pick two memebers of your group who you think will be good for this debate. Try to pick someone that is different than who the other side chooses. The right side of the room will go first." The right side of the room chatted quietly amongst themselves before whispering a name to the teacher, she nodded her head in agreement not even trying to hide how excited she was for this "experimental debate". She walked over to the left side, "Who would you trust to carry your team in well executed arguments", it was no contest of course that the left side chose Lydia. She was curious to see who the other side chose, she knew it probably seemed so foolish, but she got absolutely giddy over things like this. She was beautiful, smart, like-able, and determined, those qualities were defiently nice to have when it came to debates.

She patiently waited as the teacher announced who she would be debating against, "Alright so to start off the first round of our official social experiments, Lydia Martin and Stiles Stilinski." Lydia couldn't even hold back her jaw from literally dropping, it was like everyone just loved seeing Stiles get under Lydia's skin. She sat in front of him, twirling her hair with her fingers, that was kind of an instinctive habit of hers whenever she got angry. Stiles on the other hand was looking at her with a very amused grin plastered on his face, he was most defiently ready to take on Lydia Martin, he knew he could handle whatever she could possibly throw at him.

The teacher made sure everyone was in place and ready to go before she announced what exactly Lydia and Stiles would be debating over. She explained that she would evaluate people's answers and that would determine who she paired up to work together for the unit. Lydia couldn't help but feel instant relief, her and Stiles had absolutely nothing in common, so surely she wouldn't pair the two to work together.

Mrs. Smith read off a card that she had scribbled her ideas on to earlier, "Alright students your first object of debate is what are your opinions on change. If you are in a relationship with someone do you think that they can change you in any possible way, good or bad?"

Stiles slightly huffed, as if even the mention of a relationship annoyed him, but he decided to speak first "I don't think relationships change people, whether it be good or bad honestly. I know everyone thinks they do but in my opinion they don't, or at least that's not how it should be. I am who I am and relationships don't make me into a better person, it'd be impossible for something as overrated and lifeless as the concept of relationships to change who I am." Lydia had thought that Stiles Stilinski couldn't really say anything that would surprise her, but what he said did, I mean who could possibly think that relationships don't change people even the slightest bit?

Lydia coughed before folding her hands and pursing her lips together slightly, "I am going to have to disagree with his argument." Stiles rolled his eyes before leaning his elbows on the table and giving Lydia a challenging smirk. "Alright then little red, what was so wrong with my statement?" Lydia tried to ignore how annoyed she instantly felt when she heard him call her little red and cleared her throat before speaking up,

"Relationships should change people. No one should go through life not letting others change them. Not saying people should let others change them in negative ways, I just think you can't be close to people, you can't love them without them changing some part of you. People should make you want to change into a better person, people change people."Many classmates nodded in agreement with Lydia, Mrs. Smith had also appeared to have taken Lydia's side of the debate, she decided to keep Stiles and Lydia up for one more debate before moving on to the rest of the debates with other people. This topic was on social rankings, Mrs. Smith asked the two to debate on whether or not social rankings or your popularity should determine your friendships and relationships.

Lydia wasn't necessarily popular, but people knew her and liked her. She was popular, she just didn't hang out with the popular crowd or conform to the schools pathetic stereotypes. She had a decent number of acquaintances and a close knit group of friends..she had her absolute best friend Allison and her best friends boyfriend Isaac. The group was also very close with Scott's girlfriend Kira, but Kira was usually always ending up third wheeling to Stiles and Scott's weird bromance type of a friendship. So Lydia was defiently not a nobody, but there was no possible way she could be partners with Stiles Stilinski, the two were complete opposite of one another. And not to mention the fact that Stiles basically treated Lydia as if she was invisible. Putting the two together was a distaster just waiting to happen. They fought and Stiles was always smirking at her and looking at her and it infuriated Lydia because then she would blush and sometimes even crack a small smile, she hated that, she didn't want Stiles to have absolutely any effect on her whatsoever. He was popular, athletic, he met all the characteristics and requirements of a stereotypical jock and Lydia had all the charactersitics and requirements of an ordinary girl.

So to say it would be an interesting debate when it came to social rankings would be an understatement. The topic was: Do social rankings really determine who your friends are? Of course Stiles and Lydia did not agree once again. Stiles confidently spoke up like this topic was made just for him, "I'm a popular guy and everyone knows that. I made a name for myself and got myself where I am, so I don't socialize with people that aren't in my friend groups because if I've tried to get where I am why would I be associating with anyone that isn't in the 'popular crowd'?" Lydia rolled her eyes in annoyance. She was pretty for sure there was no way this guy could be anymore arrogant. She huffed in annoyance before replying,"You shouldn't have to work like its a job just to make a name for yourself. If I were a very popular person, I'd still much rather choose my small but close group of friends as opposed to a large group of people that don't even really care about you." Lydia thought that his argument was ridiculous, Stiles didn't care about how many of his so called "friends" actually liked him, he was content as long as he had a lot of them.

Stiles was honestly thinking about what Lydia said to him. He knew he shouldn't have to work just to be a like able person, but Stiles didn't want to go back to being the way he used to be, he didn't want to be a nobody. Stiles knew Lydia was right, she always tended to be the right one in most situations, but Stiles refused to admit that she was right out loud. The teacher decided to give Stiles and Lydia a break from debating because the two were firing each other up, and the teacher was not wanting someone to explode. After the rest of the class had their debates Mrs. Smith was ready to explain their new assignment, "Alright class the name of this experiment is the 'Change Project', the motive is to spend time with someone with opposite views of your own. You will write things down, take pictures, and use those things to make a scrapbook. At the end of this project, we will evaluate the changes or lack of changes."

The teacher came up to Stiles and Lydia and said the words Lydia was dreading to hear.."Stilinski and two will be partners."


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