Virgin Boy

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As Stiles drove to school on a chilly Monday morning, he tapped vigorously on the steering wheel to some rock song Scott had kept bugging him about listening to. He had already tried to call Lydia three times, and just like he had expected, she ignored all three phone calls. As Stiles pulled up into the parking lot he spotted Kira, with her mouth hidden behind a large scarf and her arm linked with a certain strawberry blonde.

Lydia looked beautiful, she wore her black pea coat with maroon pants and the black ankle boots she had told Stiles she had been dying to wear ever since she bought them months ago. She had a white scarf around her neck that she was trying desperately to nuzzle into, hoping it would bring some warmth as the fall air hit her face. Stiles leaned up against his jeep, feeling like the sight of Lydia looking very adorable in the cold might actually make his heart pound out of his chest. Seeing Lydia made all of his worries evaporate into the cold air around him, it made him feel like he was back in time to the first time he had ever seen Lydia; curly red hair and a small nose that was pink from the cold. Stiles knew he had to fix this mess with Lydia, he had never cared about fixing broken relationships before, but he had been waiting for a chance with Lydia Martin since third grade and he was not about to give all that up his senior year of high school.

Stiles had it set in his mind that he was going to make things right, he trudged across the parking lot towards the girl and ignored his very loud conscience that was begging him to go the other direction and panicking profusely. As the two girls spotted Stiles making his way towards Lydia, Kira quickly stood in between the determined boy and the distraught girl, making herself a human barricade. Stiles huffed with annoyance as he tried his best to maneuver his way past her, but Kira wouldn't allow it; wherever Stiles moved, Kira moved to the spot directly in front of him. After much effort, Stiles stood still in front of Kira, making direct eye contact with Lydia. Lydia shifted uncomfortably at the brown eyes that starred so intently into her green ones, those eyes were captivating and Lydia was almost sure that if she starred at them much longer she'd want to marry the boy rather than stay away from him.

Stiles tried once again to step towards Lydia, only to have Kira between them, shoving Stiles back to his original place on the asphalt. "Listen Lydia, I am sorry okay? but you have to trust that everything that happened is not my fault. It wasn't Scott's fault either, it was an accident." He took a deep breath as he waited for Lydia's response, as he stood there waiting, a boy from the lacrosse team approached the two. The boy slung his arm around Stiles and grinned slyly, "Congrats on not being Virgin Boy anymore Stilinski.. can't believe someone who has all the girls at our school wrapped around their finger was a virgin at eighteen." The boy smiled, completely oblivious to Lydia as she let a tear slip from her eye. Stiles shoved the boy away from his shoulder before gripping konto his t shirt, "You shut the hell up Greenburg, and tell all your friends if they speak of it I will take a bat, wrap it in barbed wire, and shove it so far up your..." Before Stiles could finish, the very scared boy quickly hurried away, promising to mind his own business.

Stiles smiled with satisfaction at the scared lacrosse player before he heard Lydia's boots clicking on the hard ground. He was snapped out of his daze and followed her, refusing to let her get away from him. "Listen Lydia I get that you're mad, you have every right to be..but really the only thing I did was tell my best friend that I wasn't a virgin anymore, is that honestly so wrong?" Lydia looked at him with aggravation, because he was honestly right, there was nothing wrong with a boy simply telling his best friend something personal. She sighed before looking at the boy, a small smile threatening to spread across her lips, "You're's no ones fault, I was just upset." Stiles grinned from ear to ear before wrapping Lydia up in a big hug and insisting she walk with him to the field where he was meeting the lacrosse team for a in school practice before their big game.

Once the two arrived at the field, Lydia sat down on the cool metal bleachers and Stiles quickly started slinging on his gear, rushing onto the field. He twirled his lacrosse stick in his hand and threw a couple very obvious glances in Lydia's direction, feeling satisfied at how close she was sitting to the field. He turned back around when he heard his team mates discretely snickering behind him. One of them quickly spoke up, "So Stilinski we heard that red head over there took your you're gonna put a ring on it soon, yeah?" Stiles rolled his eyes with annoyance, of course as soon as everyone knew that Stiles Stilinski didn't "get around" like everyone thought he did..they would enjoy tormenting him with immature jokes. "Leave it alone, I'm not talking about this." Just as he had suspected, Jackson spoke up from the small group of boys, talking loudly as if he was purposefully drawing attention. "So you ready to marry her yet? did you beg her to let you make her your bride?" The boys laughed at Jackson's jokes and Stiles gripped onto his lacrosse stick before biting back, responding in such an aggressive tone it was almost a growl. "Listen I'm not going to marry her, it's sex it's not a big deal. I just wanted a good time, you all know that if I didn't get it from Lydia Martin, I could get laid by any girl that walks the halls of Beacon Hills High School..I was tired of being called Virgin Boy."

The boys nodded with understanding, laughing lightly and giving Stiles encouraging pats on the back. Stiles winced at the contact on his shoulders which already felt extremely heavy with guilt. He couldn't shake the regret that filled the pit of his stomach at the way he so carelessly explained what he had done with Lydia. None of what he said was true, Lydia being the one to take his virginity was a very big deal to him. He looked over at Lydia as she smiled at him, giving him a small wave before he gave her a discreet nod. Coach Finstock blew his whistle and the boys suddenly raced down the field, Stiles would occasionally sneak looks at Lydia, his heart breaking each time because she had no idea that the "Virgin Boy" had said those awful, awful things.

ouch better hope Lydia doesn't know you're saying those shitty words Stilinski


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