Scared of Happy

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After the video diaries were made, Stiles and Lydia pretended like they said nothing extraordinary, and they moved on with their lives. Stiles continued to spend time with the lacrosse team, and only spent time with Lydia when he had to. Even with Stiles being back to who he was before Lydia, Lydia would still catch Stiles sneaking glances at her in class and purposely walking a little too close to her when he passed her in the hallway. When Lydia walked into class she took her seat next to Stiles and ignored his prescence completely. The teacher explained that she had put the video diaries on a disk and that it had been misplaced, she calmed students down as they explained nervously that their video might be embarrassing and she quickly explained that no harm would come out of the sitaution.

Lydia turned to Stiles to see a certain blonde
approaching him. She tried her best to ignore the heart wrenching feeling that settled in her chest. Erica leaned close to Stiles and pressed her hand on his bicep, pressing her long red nails against his skin. Stiles was taken back by the action and looked at Erica with surprise, an unsteady feeling overwhelming him. Erica leaned close and whispered in Stiles' ear. Stiles let her sit close and he smirked and teasingly told her about how he might have to take her up on an offer for going to her place. Lydia felt as if she could snap Erica like a twig with the amount of anger she had built up inside her. She clicked her pen vigorusly and spent an unusual amount of time counting the dozens of flowers on her floral print dress. Her head quickly shot up when she heard the bell ring, startled by the sudden noise interrupting her
cluttered thoughts. She watched as Stiles casually strode back to his seat next to her and pulled out his phone, probably sending a message to Erica or really any girl at this school. Suddenly a loud static sounded out through the monitor that was set up in every classroom, suddenly a girl was a girl from the class, Tiffany, she explained with much confusion that it was her video diary for the class. Suddenly to his dismay, Stiles suddenly saw himself clearly on the screen.

*flashback to video diary*
"I'm Stiles Stilinski, I'm doing this video on my project with Lydia Martin. I've been trying to figure out who I wanted to be for this video, me or who people think I am, I decided I would be myself. Being me has gotten me a lot farther than being who everyone thinks I am. Being me has gotten me Lydia Martin, so that's saying a lot. I hide behind this image that I've made for myself.. that I'm this party animal with such game it could attract anyone, this guy that could rule the world if he felt like it. I'm not that guy; I am clumsy, awkward, and I think so deeply and intently it hurts my brain sometimes. I did not imagine that the facade I have would change any time soon, especially by some 5'3" girl with strawberry blonde hair." He felt himself slightly scrunch his eyebrows together, he was suddenly getting slightly overwhelmed with emotion. "My mom always talked about finding the right girl, as if I was supposed to know who that would be. That's one thing my mom wished for me, and now she's gone and I've got a new girl hanging on my arm every week. She always told me there was a girl that was the 'universes girl' the one I knew I was meant to be with. I don't enjoy hurting girls, I just want to find the one that was placed in this universe for me, I just want to find what my mom wished for me. I have found a girl that knew me and all my past stars and still wanted to be in the universe with me, she still wanted to be my one and only shining star. I found the only star I'd probably ever want, not if that even matters in this universe."

Stiles sat in extreme shock as he watched in horror as the entire class witnessed his vulnerability. He turned his head slightly to look at Lydia, who was already looking at him with eyes widened and an unreadable facial expression. Stiles looked at her helplessly as the class chattered desecretly about everyone's leaked video. Lydia suddenly got up and rushed out of the classroom, trying not to cause a bigger scene than there already was. Stiles shot up and followed after her making sure to shut the door behind him. "Lydia" he called out desperately, trying his best to catch up
to her, for a girl that was so short.. she was speeding extremely fast down the vacant hallway. To say Lydia was overwhelmed would be an understatement, she almost felt like she had to remind herself how to even move her feet as she quickly made her way through the hallway. Stiles picked up his pace to catch up with Lydia, she seemed to move fairly quickly for a girl with such short legs.

Stiles finally caught up with Lydia, "Lydia I'm sorry okay, I didn't mean to freak you out, please come back." Lydia was terrified, not because she was scared of Stiles having those feelings, I mean how could she be scared of him calling her his star. Lydia was scared that throughout that entire video she felt nothing but pure happiness. "Lydia I'm not sure if you want me to take what I said back or not, but if that's the case, I can't..I won't." Lydia turned towards Stiles and came to an abrupt stop, causing Stiles to bump into her. "Stiles I don't want you to take it back. I have been dying to hear you admit that you actually have feelings under that facade you put on." She said with a small laugh even though she didn't find the situations she was in very funny. "I'm scared, I felt extremely happy when I heard what you said in that video. I am extremely happy when I'm around you, and that scares me. You're no good for me Stiles, you don't even know how to be yourself. You are no good and you know it, that's why I'm scared. I'm scared I will find happiness in someone as difficult as you, I'm scared of happy."



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