Hot n' Cold

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The song for this chapter is 'Hot n Cold' by Katy Perry aka throwback af

Lydia finally picked out a dress to wear to school that day after raiding her closet and trying on six different ones, three of the same exact shade of blue. She finished getting ready and went through an agonizingly long drive to school that consisted of constant fidgeting and changing the station on the radio at every red light. She was far to proud to admit it, but Lydia Martin the cool collected normal girl, was absolutely terrified to face Stiles. All she could seem to think about was how close he held her when they danced under the lights and how his scent was a mixture of men's cologne and his spearmint chewing gum. Saying that Lydia was nervous and distracted would be an understatement, for some reason her thoughts were being consumed by Stiles Stilinski, and every second her thoughts continued made her feel even worse than before. Lydia was not like this, she did not spend her free time fawning over boys, especially boys like Stiles Stilinski. She knew that she had to force herself to get over whatever foolish crisis she was going through that made Stiles have a constant spot in the back of her mind.

When Lydia arrived at school she was greeted by Kira and Allison, Lydia felt content walking in with her friends talking about foolish teenage things like how Isaac brought Allison roses or Malia going with a cute date to the movies last week. Lydia saw Stiles pull into the parking lot with his worn down blue jeep that was basically apart of his identity. She couldn't help but stare as he hopped out of his car and almost drooled as she saw his back muscles through his tight grey shirt as he pulled his lacrosse gear out of the back hatch of his jeep. Suddenly He saw Scott and several more friends from the lacrosse team running towards him, making him immediately smile and greet them as they crowded around him. He looked over to see Lydia standing a few feet away from him, giving him a soft smile. To Lydia's surprise, Stiles barely acknowledged her, instead he immediately averted his eyes back to his friends. Lydia turned around stomping her way through the doors of the school. Who did Stiles Stilinski think he was? twirling her in circles and knowing personal things about her flakey father, just to turn around and ignore her existence. Lydia suddenly let her mind wonder to that night once again, Lydia wouldn't be surprised if the whole time he was with her if he was thinking of who he could get in bed next. He might've even thought that he could manage to persuade Lydia into being another one of his toys that he got in bed and then left for someone else to take care of. Lydia was so furious just thinking about him, the only way she could describe him was as hot-n-cold. One minute he was acting as if he was planning on sweeping her off her feet and the next he was ignoring her exsistence.

Lydia had managed through most of the agonizingly long school day and was finally able to relax at lunch. She decided she would work a little on the project because she was too busy dancing with Stiles to worry about doing it. She mentally beat herself up for yet again letting Stiles wedge his way into her mind. She sat down next to Allison at their usual table and listened as Kira and Malia talked about how excited they were for the lacrosse match that was at six. Suddenly the table was bombarded with boys carrying their lunches and giving the girls big flirty smiles. Isaac sat next to Allison and Scott immediently sat next to Kira, talking about how excited he was that the two would both play on the field at the second game of the season together. Stiles was left with no choice but to sit next to Lydia. As soon as he sat down Lydia immediently stood up throwing her trash away and walking off to the parking lot, she was not going to sit next to Stiles and watch him act like someone he wasn't and make rude comments to her like he normally did. She was about to get in her car when she looked up to see Stiles running desperately trough the parking lot. "Lydia--" he breathed out, "what is wrong with you? are you okay?" Lydia looked at him, appalled that he would even ask such a question. "Am I okay? Stiles last night you were twirling me and telling me things about your life and then we get to school and you barely even look at me! you're like a roller coaster, you're so up and down. And it's like since we've started this project you are so opposite sometimes you contradict yourself, you're so hot and cold all the time!" Lydia huffed with exhaustion, she hated how back and forth Stiles was, it made her feel like she only knew half of who he was. "When you decide what you are let me know. You change your mind as much as I change my clothes for God's sake!"

Stiles was shocked to say the least, people didn't normally do what Lydia did, no one called him out the way that Lydia did and he surprisingly found it refreshing. Lydia stood there with her hand still on her car's door handle, waiting for Stiles to say something. "Sometimes being yourself is a risky thing, I for one find it easier to be hot-n-cold than dealing with the things that come along with being the type of person I am. You're right Martin I am hot and cold, I can't pick on or the other..I don't know who I am. I am like a roller coaster, I guess you'll just have to decide if you want to get on the ride."
Idk this was kind of a filler, not very interesting I apologize


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