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The song for this chapter is 'Jealous' by Jasmine Villegas

Lydia woke up in her bed tangled up in what felt like a mountain of sheets. She opened her eyes but immediently squeezed them shut again when the bright light shown in through her bay window. She quickly got up throwing on a floral dress and simple jean jacket, she rode to school in silence, feeling anxious about having to face Stiles. She had decided that the odds were bound to be against her today, the class was going on a field trip and she knew she'd have to be with Stiles all day. The assignment the teacher had given them on the trip was to see if being around your partner in their environment can change your mind about your own environment. Lydia knew that Stiles probably just spent his free time at a club surrounded by girls, so she knew for a fact he would not be changing Lydia in any way. She climbed onto the bus and saw the only seat available, which was next to Stiles. The universe defiently thought it would be entertaining to mess with Lydia and make her day even more of a headache. When she sat down she looked over to see Stiles with a charming smile plastered on his face. She followed where his eyes were directed and saw a brunette sitting backwards in her seat so she could face Stiles. The girls name was Cora Hale, Lydia had an economy class with her one year. She was sarcastic, constantly aggravated with everything, and a flirt with everyone she met; it it was no wonder that her and Stiles were getting along so well. Lydia huffed as she leaned back in her seat, trying not to let her blood boil in her veins. Cora would laugh and smile at Stiles and Stiles would smirk and eye her up and down as if he was the prey and she was his victim, which is exactly what she was, she was just another glowing star on his ceiling. Lydia was trying to deny it but she knew she couldn't lie to herself, she was extremely jealous, she had remebered exactly what happened between her and Stiles last night and now here he was throwing out compliments to a girl that was perfectly okay with being just another one night stand.

Lydia tried to tune out the two next to her, but she couldn't help but eavesdrop into their conversation. Stiles was giving her compliments, talking about how nice she had looked that day, each time Lydia would have to pretend like she wasn't ready to smash something into a million pieces. Lydia was surprised that Cora hadn't caught on to Stiles and his typical tricks, she had thought that maybe Cora was fully aware of the game Stiles was playing..she just didn't mind to play. The more they talked to one another the more jealous Lydia got. Finally as Cora was leaving in to whisper something into his ear, Lydia suddenly spoke up as if her life depended on it, "Stiles look at me" she said urgently before she grabbed Stiles by the shirt and pulled his body into hers, placing a kiss on his plump lips. She heard Cora scoff and she smiled into the kiss, Stiles wrapped an arm around Lydia's body,scooting her closer to him. Lydia reluctantly pulled away, figuring it was in her better judgment that they should stop before things went any further. Stiles looked at Lydia with pure shock and confusion written all over his face, Lydia pursed her lips together trying to figure out exactly what to say. Stiles with his mouth gaped open in shock let out a shaky breath, "Why'd you do that?", Instead of actually giving him an explanation she didn't say anything, she just let her green eyes stare into his brown ones, letting herself fall into some sort of trance. To say Stiles was panicking would be an understatement, he knew that Lydia was kissing the guy that she knew he could be, but Stiles was not that guy. Stiles had decided a long time ago that he was nothing but a heartbreaker, and Lydia coming in and slowly starting to change that made his anxiety level shoot through the roof.

Lydia and Stiles continued to share nervous glances that lingered on for far to long the entire bus ride. Every time one of them would open their mouth to speak,the words could never manage to fall out. Lydia glanced at Stiles for the millionth time since they had stepped foot on the bus and saw that he had his phone in his hands, vigorously typing a message. She couldn't help herself as she glanced at the contact name as discretely as possible. She read the name 'Erica' and looked down a little further to see that Erica had sent him a very short message, 'meet me tonight @ 8 for round two(;'. Lydia scrunched her face up in disgust, of course Stiles would use this field trip as a way to sleep with tons of girls, that was so typical of him. Stiles looked up to see Lydia looking down at the message he had received from Erica, he could see an unreadable expression on her face. He was suddenly saddened because he had thought he might of hurt her some how, the thought of hurting Lydia was not something he wanted in his mind.

Later the bus came to a sudden stop and they saw a busy town that had many different attractions, giving the class a large variety to choose from. The teacher turned to the class with excitement in her eyes,"Alright flip a coin to see who gets to pick what you and your partner will be doing", Stiles dug into his pocket and got out a shiny quarter and flipped it in the air. "Heads!" Lydia said excitedly before he was about to flip it over, Stiles laughed as a smirk spread across his face, "Outta luck Martin tonight things are going my way". Lydia rolled her eyes, she assumed that the universe would always make things go his way. Stiles told her they'd be going to a big party that was in town that night, Lydia was defiently not excited, parties were disgusting filled with drunk people and far to crowded. Even against Lydia's better judgement and begging, the two showed up at the party, immediently Stiles was acting like the typical arrogant boy Lydia knew him to be, as soon as they entered the party Lydia lost him and the crowd, she could see that he instantly changed. When she finally found him, Lydia looked to see Stiles' eyes scanning the area before a devious smile spread across his face, he had spotted Erica, the carnival was planned so he could meet up with Erica. She looked down at her phone, it was 7:59, "You better get over're one minute early", Stiles looked at Lydia in confusion and Lydia quickly turned her back, walking away. She would always be the one that Stiles only cared about in secret, she would always be the ridiculous nobody hanging out with the Stiles Stilinski.

She was nothing more than a silly girl filled with jealousy.



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