For Tonight

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Lydia still couldn't wrap her mind around Stiles' soft spoken words that had her head spinning. As she went to wash his blood stained shirt, his words raced through her brain flooding into every inch of her thoughts. "You fixed me",those three words tumbled out of his mouth abruptly like the way he tumbled to the hard ground when Lydia's fist met his nose and barely grazed his cheekbone. She could tell that he had no control over the words that he let slip out of his pink lips, [that he had been licking too many times for Lydia not to notice] by the way his face immediently reddened and he dropped his eyes to his converse that were dangling above the bathroom floor. Lydia went to her laundry room and started the washer; looking down at the boys grey tshirt that she had absent mindedly been clutching towards her chest, she took notice that it smelled strongly of old spice and some cologne she didn't know the name of. After she threw the boys shirt into the washer she moved her bare feet across her cold hardwood floor, trying to convince herself that she wasn't in a hurry to get back into her bathroom. When she arrived to her destination she took a deep breath and peered through her door, reluctantly inching it open. She saw Stiles in the exact same position she left him in, only know he was occasionally looking up at the pictures on her wall, his jaw clenching so naturally she wasn't even sure that he was aware of it.

She slipped through the door as she slightly cleared her throat, as if announcing her return without having to say a word, she wasn't sure she could function enough to form an understandable sentence. Stiles' gaze quickly dropped from the pictures on the wall to the beautiful girl standing in the doorway. She was still standing there still in the dress he had found her walking in. "What were you doing walking around so late anyways?" he peered up at her curiously as she pursed her lips, trying to think of how to answer his question. "I couldn't handle spending a Friday night trapped in a house with nothing but my own thoughts." Stiles was slightly taken back by her response, he found himself wondering if the way he had left her two weeks ago, when he told her he would just destroy her, was what consumed her thoughts. His eyes met her green ones, and something told him that was exactly what consumed her thoughts. She stepped closer, back in between his legs like she was before she left. He cleared his throat and looked to the floor before looking back up at Lydia, she found herself getting lost in eyes that were a dark whiskey color, she figured that was fitting because she felt like she was drunk on the feeling that was rising in her chest due to their close proximity in her large bathroom. She instructed him to get up and he followed her like he was wrapped around her finger, which he most defiently was. She led him down the hall and opened a set of double doors to reveal a large bedroom, with a large bed covered in layers of purple blankets and walls that were were painted a light grey and covered with pictures of two young girls; one with her hand on one hip and an arm slung around a girl with dark hair and a beautiful smile. Stiles smiled contently at the pictures of Allison and Lydia and turned to embarrass Lydia over the fact that she looked like that one cartoon with the red hair that had an obsessive love for strawberries.

Stiles felt his hands get clammy and his heartbeat increase by each step as Lydia instructed him to sit on her bed. "Don't look okay?" He immediately clamped his eyes shut and threw a large hand over them because he wasn't sure that he trusted his eyes to refrain from wandering. His breath hitched in his throat as he heard the faint sound of Lydia's top and skirt being tossed into her dirty clothes hamper. Stiles let his index finger slip up from his eye to the tip of his eyebrow, he saw a glimpse of the strawberry blonde with her back facing him, looking through her closet. She was wearing black lace underwear,he let his eyes linger on the skin that the lack of lace exposed, Stiles felt like he would have to wipe drool away from the corners of his mouth as he continued to stare. Before Stiles even realized it, he let a string of curse words slip clumsily out of his mouth. Lydia quickly threw on a large tshirt that said something about some lacrosse team and walked closer to him, "Were you peaking?" she asked with a voice so innocent it made Stiles weak. Stiles quickly gave her a sly smirk, refusing to let his usual confidence falter, "Why would I miss a good show babe?" Lydia rolled her eyes at his question and pushed his shoulder lightly, just enough to send him back to land on her mattress. He quickly grabbed at her hips when he heard her laugh softly as she had watched him slightly stumble back. Stiles wasn't exactly thinking things through as he grabbed at Lydia because she was now pressed against his hard chest, laying her cold palms gently against his chest to balance herself, he felt goosebumps cover his body almost immediently at the sudden contact. His breath hitched in his throat as he quickly grew nervous at their close proximity. He began to stutter out an apology as he slid out from under the girl that was so close to him. Lydia quickly placed her hand on the back of his neck, pulling him back against her body, their chests touching once again.

"Lydia we can't, I don't want to hurt you remember? I'm trying to be a good guy here." Lydia starred longingly at the boys pink plump lips as he spoke, almost whimpering at how close they were, "who says you will hurt me?" Stiles laughed at her question and felt his chest tighten as he saw her looking up at him through her thick eyelashes. "It's inevitable baby", he cursed as he let the pet name slip from his lips as he looked nervously at the beautiful girl that was laying on top of him. She placed her thighs on both sides of him, straddling him as he quickly sat up and pressed himself against her, their chests now pressed against one another's. "Lydia we shouldn't, this will make things so complicated", Lydia couldn't help but almost be offended, he had laid in many girls bed before so why was he acting as if he shouldn't lay in hers? Lydia huffed in annoyance before she found herself lifting a hand to tangle her fingers in his hair and slide down to be placed comfortably on the back of his neck.

"Just for tonight Stiles, please." Lydia found herself begging out to him without even thinking it through first. She knew she shouldn't beg for him the way she was, but she couldn't help it. She wanted Stiles, that was undeniable, and she knew he wouldn't kiss her or even touch her without worrying about their feelings. She was different to him and she was aware of that, but she just wanted to feel his lips against hers without having to worry about anyone or anything else. Stiles let his hand rest comfortably on top of Lydia's thigh and his other one placed on her lower back. He flipped them over to where he was now hovering over her. Lydia looked at him and he swore her eyes had turned a shade darker as he searched for something to tell him that he should stop as he gently slipped his hands beneath her shirt, gently gliding his rough hands against her curves and leaving lingering touches dangerously low over black lace. He placed his lips softly against her collarbone before he began to suck, smirking as she gasped and mumbled about how if he left a mark she would kill him. He looked up at Lydia, looking into her green eyes that were now a shade darker than usual. He searched for a signal a glimpse of regret, anything that was telling him he shouldn't continue.

But there was no sign of Lydia wanting to stop him as he touched her softly, because everything that was so wrong but felt so right was considered acceptable..

just for tonight.

I apologize I am so awful at this its just not good I'm sorry


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