First Dates and Mistakes

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Lydia reluctantly complied when Aiden persistently asked if he could take her out on one date. Lydia only agreed if it was a double date with Allison and Isaac, which was bound to be a disaster considering there was a constant feud between Isaac and Aiden. Lydia nervously got dressed and continously restrained herself from calling Aiden and canceling their date. Allison and Isaac came over a few minutes before Aiden was supposed to come pick up Lydia, mainly to reassure her for the thousandth time that night that everything would go well and she had no reason to feel uncomfortable. Lydia was thankful for their support and encouragement but to put it lightly her friends were wrong, Lydia did have a right to feel uncomfortable. Lydia could not imagine letting Aiden hug her or open car doors for her, those were little things that Stiles did. She couldn't imagine feeling comfortable when she would notice the differences between Aiden and Stiles throughout the entire date. She knew she should try to enjoy the date for her friends' sake, they wanted her to avoids getting hurt and although she didn't think Stiles would hurt her, she understood where they were coming from. She heard the doorbell ring and Lydia, along with Allison and Isaac, came rushing down the stairs to greet Aiden at the door. They opened the door to see Aiden standing there with a smile, his eyes traveling up and down Lydia, making her shift uncomfortably. The only thought running through her head was her conscience telling her that she wished they were Stiles' deep whiskey colored eyes looking at her and not Aiden's. She stepped out the door, following behind Aiden, Allison, and Isaac; she had a feeling this date would be a big mistake.

The group decided they would go to the ice skating rink downtown since Aiden had never been before. When they arrived they all quickly laced up their skates and headed out onto the ice, Aiden was a natural and glided smoothly like he had done it a thousand times, Isaac on the other hand couldn't seem to keep his balance longer than ten seconds. Allison would hold his hands and the second she let go
he would fall straight down on his face. A few hours of laughter, nervous compliments, and more clumsy falls against the ice later; the couples were ready to head home. The car ride
to Lydia's house was slightly awkward for both Aiden and Lydia. Lydia was silently praying that Aiden wouldn't kiss her, and Aiden was internally debating on how he should make a
move on the beautiful red head next to him. The two pulled up into Lydia's drive way and Aiden quickly hopped out, helping Lydia out of the car and following her as she walked up onto her front porch. She tried not to make it seem like she was waiting on him to kiss her as she quickly fiddled through her keys to find the one to her front door. Aiden starred at her intently as she shook around the keys, he smirked softly assuming that he was having the effect on her that he had hoped for. Lydia had decided on the car ride home that the date was a mistake, Aiden was nice no doubt about that, but he wasn't Stiles.

Not to far down the road Stiles was riding in a bright yellow cab, looking next to him where Erica was a few moments before he had the highly intoxicated girl dropped off at her home. He really had no idea why he hadn't taken her home with him, or why he was suddenly directing the driver to drive through Lydia's neighborhood. The only thing he knew was that he was now standing infront of Lydia Martin's house looking at Aiden stand obnoxiously close to Lydia. He watched as Aiden smiled at the girl infront of them, both of them oblivious to Stiles' presence, he heard Aiden begin to talk softly, "You know I had a lot of fun with this girl tonight, on a double date to the skate rink. She's actually standing in front of me and she's this extremely cute red head that I've been dying to kiss all night." Lydia laughed lightly and Aiden's words, trying to hide the uneasy feeling that was filling the pit of her stomach. Stiles couldn't stand watching the two in front of him any longer, he leaned against Lydia's car that was parked out front, he tried his best to bite his tongue but failed miserably. "It's strawberry blonde", Lydia and Aiden both looked at Stiles in shock before he spoke up again, "Her hair is strawberry blonde. Not red."

Aiden and Lydia looked at each other with surprised and confused expressions. Lydia couldn't lie, she was relieved that Stiles was at her house, but she also felt furious. They weren't supposed to be doing things like this, grand gestures when they were basically a forbidden pair. Aiden felt angry and beyond uncomfortable, it was apparent to Lydia that he was wishing he was any where else but on her front porch. "Aiden I had a wonderful time with you, but for some reason Stiles is incredibly ludicrous, I hope you have a safe drive home and I'll talk to you soon." Lydia looked at Stiles with anger as Aiden pulled out of her driveway, "It was a mistake to make him leave, I should've made you leave!" She grabbed at her hair with frustration as Stiles calmly replied, "The mistake was going on a date with him." Lydia laughed with annoyance, "And how was that a mistake? he was a great guy! you were probably off making plenty of mistakes with some desperate girl weren't you?" Stiles looked at Lydia as her chest rose up and down, her breathing rigid and heavy. He saw her green eyes starring intently at him, he wanted her and only her, it was just difficult to prove that to everyone. Lydia spoke up once again, "It shouldn't bother you Stiles, we're not even really a couple and we're supposed to be going out with other people for our friends remember? you were probably with Erica before you came here tonight anyways! Maybe this sneaking behind people's backs to be together thing isn't for us, This was just a mistake." Stiles was furious with Lydia, he knew one thing for sure, they were not a mistake. Stiles starred into Lydia's deep green eyes, trying to form the words to say to her. "This is not a mistake", he quickly made his way up the steps onto the porch where Lydia was standing infront of her front door he came at her with a desperate force that pushed their bodies against her door's rough wood. He quickly pressed his lips against hers as if he had been drowning and desperately needed oxygen. Lydia gasped, but she quickly adjusted to the feeling of his lips on hers, he cupped her cheeks with his hands and stepped in closer to her. After many breathless kisses and being pushed into the front door, Lydia placed her hand on Stiles' chest and opened the front door, pulling him inside. She led him up into her room where the two pressed their lips against one another as soon as Lydia shut the door. Stiles guided her across the room and the two were suddenly at the foot of her bed, Stiles gently grabbed Lydia's hips, pushing her back onto the bed. He quickly climbed on top of her and began kissing down her neck, Lydia anxiously worried if this was a mistake, but the sudden race of her heart when Stiles gave her a sweet peck on the lips made her worries fade away.



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