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The song for this chapter is 'Secret Love Song' by Little Mix

Stiles was in an agonizing pain every time he thought of Lydia, not to mention it had only been yesterday that Scott had that little talk with Stiles concerning Lydia. He was not sure how he was supposed to keep himself under control. He had told Scott that he had already got three girls number since their talk yesterday, he was just keeping it a secret that what he said was not at all true. He was keeping lots of secrets, making himself seem like the Stiles everyone knew.. he despised it with a passion. He felt his chest tighten as he saw Lydia walking past him in the hallway, not even glancing at him. Suddenly a sassy blonde strutted her way down the hallway, going straight into Stiles' direction, "Stiles" she said with a sly smile flipping her curly blonde locks. Stiles tried to resist the urge to roll his eyes as she stepped closer to him, he tried not to make his discomfort obvious. He knew that he had to stay away from Lydia and he had to make sure Allison had no suspicions of the two still being with one another so he had to return back to his familiar lifestyle. He really wish he could just stand up against Allison and Scott and see Lydia anyways because he was not enjoying Erica's long red nails scratch against his arm as he tried to fake an interest in the conversation. Stiles gave Erica an small smirk before making up some lame excuse of having to meet up with Scott before class and quickly bolted down to his first period classroom before he could run into any other girl that could throw themselves at him.

When he arrived to the class room he quickly sat down in his seat and began tugging at his hair with one hand and drawing in his notebook with the other. As Lydia walked into class he looked down and realized that he had been absentmindedly writing her initials on his paper like some young school girl with an obsessive crush. He quickly covered up his paper and tried to make the blush that was creeping up on his face as unnotciable as he possibly could. Lydia sat down and opened up her notebook and immediently started taking notes and shifted in her seat. Suddenly Lydia perked her head up as she heard her name being called by someone on the other side of the class, it was the annoyingly cute twin named Aiden that had transferred to beacon hills a few weeks ago. She walked over to join him and Stiles watched as he shamelessly flirted with her, and she smiled nicely at him, it made him sick to his stomach. He seemed very calm and collected on the outside, but all secrets aside, being this way was eating Stiles alive. Stiles had found his star, but it wasn't his yet and that was killing him. Lydia came back to her seat with a smile on her face and a piece of paper in her hand. "What's that?" Stiles questioned her trying with all of his ability not to sound extremely desperate and nosey. "Aiden's number", Lydia continued quickly before Stiles could say anything else, "But it's just because Allison and Scott told us to move on you know, we're friends right?" Stiles nodded his head in agreement even though the pain stinging in his chest was telling another side of the story, but of course he had to keep that a secret. Ignoring the constant reminders of why Lydia and Stiles couldn't work drove Stiles to borderline madness the entire class period. The bell rang releasing the students to go to lunch and Stiles bolted out of the room without a second thought. He quickly stood right next to the open door and watched as students and the teacher filed out, Lydia being the last to walk out. Before Lydia could meet up with Allison Stiles grabbed her by the hand and pulled her back into the classroom. She covered her mouth to silence the loud giggles that were threatening to irrupt and fill the room. Stiles smiled softly at her before he looked up at the clock, "we have about an hour to be together without our friends giving us some sort of 'forbidden love' speech so I guess we better make the most of it."

Lydia's breath felt as if it was caught in her throat as she pressed her back against the long lab table and watched as Stiles placed his hands firmly on both sides of her, gripping onto the table behind her. He smirked at her obvious lack of control as her breath became shaky and her face suddenly looked slightly flushed. She spoke up reluctantly as Stiles starred down at her lips, "We shouldn't be in here you know, we're supposed to be a secret and we could get caught." Stiles smirked as he leaned down, his lips only a few centimeters from hers he gently cupped her cheeks and whispered so softly it made goosebumps rise on her skin, "That's the fun of it". He smiled as he saw the sudden effect he had on Lydia, She shifted her body slowly as if she was scared to move and took a deep breath. Lydia suddenly have a wave of confidence wash over her as she flipped back her long strawberry blonde hair and looked into Stiles' deep brown eyes, "You're getting a little to comfortable, you should at least take me on a date first". Stiles licked his lips and looked down and Lydia looking as beautiful as ever sitting on the lab table looking up and him with a hint of vulnerability in her eyes, "of course I'm going to take you on a date, I just thought to start off our secret relationship we could start of with a little secret kissing", Lydia laughed as Stiles once again leaned in looking down at her lips like she was the only thing he desired. She stood up on her tippy toes and put her hands around his neck pulling him in close, she looked at his lips before turning her head last minute to give him a light kiss on his right cheek. Stiles let out a playful groan as he rolled his eyes and puckered out his bottom lip, Lydia gave him a light shove,"I might let you kiss me after you take me to dinner" She said with a small giggle. Stiles was perfectly okay with waiting until after dinner to kiss Lydia, he could wait forever if he had to.



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