Meet me in my Dreams

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Chapter 8

Meet me in my Dreams

"When dreaming I'm guided to another world

Time and time again

At sunrise I fight to stay at sleep

"Cause I don't want to leave the comfort of this place.

Cause there's a hunger, a longing to escape

From the life I live when I'm awake."

- song "Higher" by Creed

I'll never get used to it neither will I be the same old me again. I looked at the mirror and saw my pale face.

"I want to sleep. Please let me sleep." I whispered hopelessly.

I lay down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. The night was silent. Only the soft sound of crushing leaves of the trees can be heard.

Cold breeze blew the curtains in my room. Never in my life had I got so scared like this. I wrapped the blanket around my body and hugged my pillow. I closed my eyes and drifted in to a sleep.


I was walking in a dark hallway...searching for something... or someone... I don't know.

My feet brought me in front of a glass door. I held the knob with my cold hands. I don't know what's behind the door but I got a feeling that inside the room... I will find the answer...

I twisted the knob and entered a familiar room. I am sure that I have been here before. I looked around and my eyes were nailed to a painting. The image seems so real.

Two angels fell from the sky. Both of them lay between heaven and earth with a drawn sword on their hands.

"Angels of Death", I read the title.

I turned around and saw a blurred image of a man.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Vladimir." The man stated briefly.

I saw the shadow move down to the couch. He waved his hand motioning me to take a sit which I refused.

"Don't be scared. I will do no harm." His cold voice broke the silence.

There's sincerity on his voice which made me believe what he said. I chose the opposite seat facing him. I looked at him confusingly.

"Why can't I see you clearly? You have no face." I asked curiously.

I looked at him intensely trying to capture his blurry face.

"Because you don't have to." He simply answered.

"But why?" I asked again. Curiosity comes over me. Why can't he give me a direct answer?

"Because it's not yet the right "time"." He explained.

The shadow keeps on talking in riddles. What the hell is "It's not yet the right time"

"I don't understand. Please enlighten me." I plead

"Someday you will see me. And if that happens, you will wish you didn't "

I sighed. There's no hope of getting a clear answer with this man.


The man cleared his throat then he asked reluctantly, "Are you still --- scared of me?"

I shook my head. "I think I'm not." I answered honestly.

I smiled. "You seem harmless anyway. Are you?"

"Maybe, yes. Or maybe, no."

"You're really hard to read. " I chuckled.

Or you're just not good in reading." He said with amusement on his voice.

"I'm Harlem." I smiled. I keep on talking with this man but failed to introduce myself.

"I know." The blurred image blurted. He is now standing by the window holding a black rose. The man can move like a breeze. He can appear a second then vanish.

"How d-"My jaw fell.

"I know everything about you." He interrupted.

I looked at him seriously. My mind is trying to process everything he just said. He knows everything about me.

"You're the shadow in the lib-"

"I am."


I was awakened by the ringing of my alarm clock.

I reached for it over my table and looked at the time. It's 8am.

I have slept for almost 9 hours. Good enough for someone who have been suffering from abnormal sleep these past few days. I have my Art class at 9 o'clock and have one hour to prepare.

I stared at the ceiling. I remember the dream. It seems so real. Strange, I think the dream made me feel at peace somehow. I feel better than before.

I was about to get off my bed when I saw a black rose on my pillow.

"Vladimir", I silently uttered.


Thanks for reading...(*__*)

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