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Chapter 13.2  Jealousy

Harlem's POV

 “SO Kristoff, from what department are you?” Charrie asked then winked at me. She took a bite of her quarter pound burger and shamelessly licked the ketchup on her fingers that flowed out of her burger. Kristoff handled her tissue to wipe the mess. “Awe, thanks.” she muttered. I just shook my head and smiled for her childishness.

Kristoff suppressed his laughter and cleared his throat before he spoke. “I’m from CSAR.”  College of Sport and Recreation .Oh sporty he is! I smiled secretly and took a glimpse at Charrie. Mind you, my best friend loves a sporty guy. It’s no wonder why she keeps on doing her gotta-catch –his -attention act. “How about you guys?” he asked as he took a spoon of his ordered bakedmac then looked at me as if waiting for my response since I’ve been so quiet  ever since we arrived at Donita’s Dinners, a cafeteria inside the university.

“Oh, nice!” Charrie smiled widely as her eyes twinkled with fascination. I told you, she seems to like the guy. She put down the burger and sipped her pineapple juice. “Well, Harlem and I are Journalism students. We’re from College of Arts and Sciences.” She continued which I nodded in affirmation. “Yeah, we’re classmates.” I seconded.

 “And you’re doing the news for the University games? That was wow!” He voiced out with astonishment.  Charrie and I both smiled widely with his remarks. It’s good to hear that there is Kristoff who knows how to appreciate the effort of university writers like me and Charrie.

“We’re part of the Lancester Chronicles, that’s why we’re covering the intramural.” I explained simply and sliced a bite size of my Hawaiian pizza. “How about you, Kristoff are you a member of any team?” I asked trying to appear as interested as my friend.

“That’s really nice.” He nodded and wiped his mouth. “Well, I belong to swimming team.” He smiled sheepishly. “Maybe, you know--you could watch me, sometime.” He continued reluctantly and lowered his gazes.

“Oh! I love to see you--” Charrie immediately answered but I did not let Charrie finish before I secretly hit her legs with mine. She’s being too bold with her words. She looked at me wide eyed then rephrased what she’s about to say. “I mean, we’d love to see you win the tournament.” Then she burst into laughter.

“Good!” Kristoff lifted his gaze and meet mine. His face lightened up and continued. “It’d be tomorrow, at two in the afternoon. Are you two coming?”

I looked at Charrie as if asking her to decide. She seems to get the message so she answered, “Yeah! Sure!”

                “Eeeeeeeh!” Charrie exaggeratedly yelled as she rolled over the bed and hug her pillow tightly. I put down my bag pack over the table, laid myself in the sofa and closed my eyes. It’s been a tough day and my feet sore, really. “Don’t you think he’s HOT?” She asked. I slightly open my eyes and looked at her. She has this dream-like expression clouding her face which makes me smile. I know he’s talking about Kristoff because he’d been the sole topic of our discussion ever since we parted from our “lunch date”. And yeah, I know what she’ll say next. “Oh Harlem, I think I’m--”

                “Oh Harlem, I think I’m in love with him!”

 I told you. “It’s the same old thing when you met Martin last month, right?” I reminded her. Martin was a sophomore engineering student we’ve met in the library when we’re still working on our research project. He’d been her apple of the eye for three days but thereafter, she told me he’s not that appealing to her anymore. But don’t get me wrong. Charrie tends to be appreciative with guys but she has never been a slutty one.  She said, Martin is really a good-looking guy but they don’t share common interests so she’d decided to stop seeing him. Well, who would like to be with someone who you can’t get along? No one, definitely.

                “No!” she pouted. “This time, I believe it’s for real!” she continued with conviction. She‘s now sitting on the bed facing me. I just shrugged my shoulders and replied in a half laugh tone, “Well, good luck to you.”  Then I stood up and walked towards the bathroom. I better get a half bath now. I’m really tired and I want to sleep now.

                “Oh, common, Harl.” She jumped off of the bed and pulled my arm to stop me before I reached the bathroom door. “Can’t you help me?” she pleaded and gave me a puppy eyes. I rolled my eyes and put my hands on my waist. “What do you want me to do?” I gave her a questioning look. No way would I act as a foolish cupid between them nor a bridge for their so called romantic opposite poles.

                She smiled widely. “Come with me tomorrow.” She began. I felt some lines started to form on my forehead. Was she talking about the swimming tournament?

“He wants you to be there.” Sadness flashed across her eyes as she spoke those words.  My brows formed an arc immediately with the sudden hint of jealousy on her voice.

“What do you mean by that?” She looked at me straight to the eyes and hissed.

 “You know what I mean.”

I let out a booming laughter for what I heard. “Oh my, Charrie! You’re goddamn jealous. I’m not interested with Kristoff.” I said without hesitation and in a high pitch tone. “What made you think that he likes me?”

                “I just feel it.” she pouted again. “He keeps on looking at you the whole time when where in the cafeteria. So I guess he likes you.”

                “That’s so absurd! It doesn’t mean anything.” I patted my hand on her head and shook her hair. “I haven’t see Kristoff more than anything but a new friend. Well, he save my life but it doesn’t mean that I am going to like him romantically.”


                “Surely!” I honestly answered.  As of now, I haven’t been attracted to anyone, not to Kristoff or to any hot guy in our university. It’s because I’m aiming for only one and that was Vladimir, my mystery man. I missed him…a lot.


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