Chapter 2

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Arissa practically ran 11 mph upstairs to her shared hotel room with Anna.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, Annnnnaaaaa!"

"What Ris?" she asked.

"He was...he was...." she was out of breath. "There...we talked...he...oh my god..oh my god..."

"I told you!" Anna told her. "Go take a shower and get ready for the meet and greet...I have the eye lashes and the curler and all that fancy stuff out already."

The girls got ready and drove the 2 minutes to the arena for the meet and greet. They were one of the last few to arrive. Even though Anna was very much in love with Ryan Bruno was totally "on her list" as she put it. But, isn't Bruno on0 everyone's list these days?

Anna continued to text whoever she was texting while Arissa waited patiently talking to another meet and greet participant who was from the Houston area. She told them all about how she and Anna had won the tickets and meet and greet just three days ago. She was still in total shock. She didn't tell anyone about talking to him in the gym, though. That was her secret.

Suddenly, everything got really quiet. The group of about 30 meet and greeters could hear a pin drop. And then he came out, right in front of her. He danced a little and waved at everyone. He looked dead at Arissa and winked at her. He didn't know she was going to be here. Why did he do that? He doesn't even know we've met before. Whatever. This is dumb. I'll shake his hand, take the picture, put it on my computer for a few months, gush about it and then move on.

They moved through the line. It was so typical. Shake hands, smile, 1, 2, 3, thank you! The girls were, again, toward the end of the line. Someone with a lanyard started to walk up to Arissa. It wasn't someone from the radio station that she had met before; it was someone from the gym. "Hey, umm, can you go to the back of the line? And if someone else comes in, like from the radio station let them go before you? Bruno wants to talk to you."

"Umm...okay?" she answered inquisitively. After about 15 minutes the last group of people took their picture. The guy who had handed them their tickets for the concert led them towards Bruno.

She got a little nervous and held out her hand. He looked so normal in his jean jacket, red v-neck shirt and Fedora. He licked his lips before shaking her hand. "Hi, I'm Arissa Henderson." she said to him, looking him dead in the eyes.

He blinked and smiled her. Holy cow, she's cuter now than she was earlier..."Nice to meet you, I'm Bruno..." The record label guy watched them get positioned. Bruno put his arms around them and smiled. He squeezed Arissa's waist as she started to walk away. "Wait...Arissa..."

She turned around to face him quickly. "Yes?" she said politely.

"Here. These are for you and your friend. And don't leave after Talking to the Moon, okay?" Arissa handed Anna the envelope and started to walk away.

"What's in there, Anna banana?" Arissa asked.

"I don't know dude. You open it. He gave it to you."

She grabbed the envelop ripping into it. It was kind of heavy. "Holy shit, Arissa!" They were standing by one of the radio station booths near the girls that had ushered them into the arena. "They're back-fucking-stage passes and another meet and greet thing. There's a note too."

Wear something cute for the after party. I want to see those runner's legs. –Bruno.

"Oh my god!" they both screamed. Everyone turned around to look at them. "We're just excited to be here..." Anna said to one grungy looking guy.

"Work the middle, dude." Anna smirked.

"Ha. Yeah right."

"I think you will, Rissy." Anna wandered off to sit down and rest her feet and to text Ryan.

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