Chapter 86

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"Ryan...." Arissa wanted to ask Bruno's friend about the necklace. "Did you go to Tiffany's with Brunz before I got there?"

"Ummm....I don't remember that trip..." Ryan answered confused.

"Fucking hell..." Arissa was so upset. She didn't want to admit to what was happening.

"What, Riss?" he asked.

"Did he give anything to Hope?" she asked him.

"Naw...nothing..." he answered her.

"Okay. Thanks...I owe you my life...again..." she told him.

"Arissa...what's wrong?" Ryan asked her.

"Nothing yet. But tomorrow there will be...." she answered.

"Arissa...he's not doing anything with her. I promise you."

"No, Ryan...he is. And...I don't know...I can't even put it into words...I need to go." she answered hanging up the phone.


Ryan knocked on Bruno's door waiting to hear his side of the story. Bruno hurried to the door. Ryan drug him out of the room.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" Ryan yelled at him.

"Bro....I.....oh my god...." Bruno said.

"She knows. I just wanted to give you a heads up." he told him turning around disgusted by his friend's actions. Bruno opened the door to his room looking at Nicole.

*"You should probably go, sweetheart." Bruno said quietly watching the girl walk out the door holding her shoes in the same way Arissa did the first night they met. He didn't stop Nicole, though.


Arissa cried herself to sleep that night. She had no idea what she was going to do. She had no idea what was going on. She knew that there was something going on, but she didn't want to say it out loud. She woke up in the morning to care for their son taking him to Jamie who was going to watch him while she went to work. She showed no emotion when dropping off the baby. She smiled and handed him to his aunt, who loved him oh so much. Arissa got into the car driving to work dazed and confused by everything that was going on. A year ago they were in Texas. That was when Bruno told her he would never hurt her. Never hurt her....

At the end of the day Arissa called Jamie asking her to keep the baby for a little bit while she went for a run. Instead of a run she called Bruno. She was going to yell and she was going to scream. She didn't want to have her son anywhere near that anger.

She dialed the phone...Bruno was out with his friends in London that night. She didn't care if he was drunk, high or even in bed with that skank, she was going to confront him that evening. The phone rang a few times. He picked up.

"Arissa....." Bruno said quietly knowing what was going to happen.

"You told me you would never, never, never, ever...hurt me, said you wouldn't ever hurt me."

"Riss...I...can't say...."

"No, don't even talk. Let me tell you what happened. And this is the truth, you stupid asshole. You decided that music was more important than your family. You appreciate convenience. You don't want to work on the hard things. You want everything when you want them. And that's why you fucked her and you" she paused catching her breath. "you bought her a god damn Tiffany's us, Bruno. I'm leaving you. You'll be hearing from Jenna. And don't try to call me again. I'm done. You won't be able to win my heart with stupid notes, songs, flowers, or even...nothing. You'll be hearing from Jenna. And Jaime will tell you when you can see our son. I don't ever want to hear your voice again. Ever." she hung up the phone throwing it across the room.

"Fuck him...." she yelled. She went over to the side table in the front of the room where a picture of them in Las Vegas sat. She ripped the picture out of the frame tearing it into little pieces. She fell on the ground in tears. She sat there for 10 minutes until her alarm went off reminding her to go pick up Christian. She got in the car driving the 15 minutes to her sister in law's house.

"He's asleep, Riss..." Jamie told him. The boys were really good with him tonight." Arissa smiled at her walking over to her son whose tasseled blonde curls laid in the same way Bruno's hair did when he slept. She felt a tear come down her cheek. She wiped it away from her cheek as fast as she possibly could. She picked up Christian lightly rocking him as he started to wake up.

"Go to sleep, my love...go back to sleep..." she said softly. "Jamie...I'm going to go home for a bit. Maybe like a week or something...but everything is okay. I just need a break from LA..."

"Oh, honey. I know it's tough. Just call me if you need anything..." they hugged each other as Jamie led her out the door to the car. She helped Arissa snap the baby's seat belt blowing them both kisses as she drove away.

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