Chapter 90

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What am I doing, what am I doing, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. This shouldn't be happening. I'm going to regret it when he's gone. Rachel will kill me. Oh my god, oh my god...but it's so right...oh my god..Arissa thought to herself as Bruno ran his fingers through her hair touching her ever so gently on her back bringing her in closer to him. "Bruno...we need to put him to bed..." she told him walking over to pick up Christian, his curly blond hair matted on the floor. She picked him up gently holding him like a baby walking him to the other side of the house. Bruno walked behind her to see how she was going to get 40 pounds of a little boy into a bed without waking him up. She held him against her chest with one arm using the other to push the blankets down. She placed him gently into the bed against the wall so he didn't roll out of the bed. She leaned down kissing him on the cheek. "Good night, moon." she said turning around to see Bruno watching her.

"I love that story, Arissa. I read it to him too." he said taking her hand walking back to where they were she stopped at the couch sitting down where they were earlier in the evening.

"Sit down, Bruno..." she told him. He let go of her hand sitting down facing her. "We can't do this. It's too much. One of us will get hurt. It's just too much. Too much..too much to..." in the middle of her sentence she saw Bruno leaning in toward her touching her wet cheek wiping the tears away.

"Shhh...Arissa....just shut up. You're doing what you always talk your way out of things because you get scared. Baby...please...can we at least say we tried? Please?" he pleaded with her. "Riss?" he asked watching her tap her feet thinking about it.

"I don't know..." she said to herself. "I just don't know, Brunz..." she said looking up at him. "I still hurt..I still can't deal with what you did...I mean...oh my god. I think about it every time I see you on TV, hear you on the radio...happen upon a magazine with you in it...and especially when I see one with you out with some random D list girl who was on Dancing With the Stars...Bruno...why do you do that and then come back to me saying that you want us to be a family?"

"Arissa....those girls...they...they...filled a hole that you created when you left. I tried to fix it. But, I know now that the only way to fix it is to have you and Christian with me. I'll never let you go again, Arissa...ever..." he said taking her hand playing with her fingers. She closed her eyes wrapping her free hand around his.

"You can't hurt me again. And if you break my son's heart by not being there for him, I'll kick your ass all the way back to May 17, 2011." she told him. He nodded his head agreeing to her terms. He pulled his hand out of her hands reaching over to kiss her gently.

"I love you,, so, so, so much." He pulled away watching her hesitate.

"I can't tell you I love you until you show me, Bruno." she responded. He let the comment slide off his back kissing her again touching her waist making her squirm.

"Bruno...stop. That's not fair..." she said between his kisses.

"It's not fair that I haven't touched you like this in five years, Arissa." he said leaning in to kiss her jaw moving down to her neck and collar bone.

"Oh...Bruno..." she sighed. She started to stand up running her fingers through his curly hair wrapping her legs around him to get as close as possible as she could. She pushed him against the wall returning the kisses he gave her. "But not too'll wake up the baby..." she told him letting go of his ankle leading him toward her bedroom. He moved in toward her wrapping his arms around the back of her waist kissing her back and then moving to her neck again. She spun herself around facing him to kiss him again. He wrapped his arms around her laying her gently on the bed. She looked him in the eyes watching him bite his lip trying to decide what to do next.

"Arissa...I'm nervous..." he told her.

"Shut up, Bruno. Don't be dumb." she said sitting up.

"It's'm seeing you for the first time all over again." he admitted to her.

"Well that's sweet, but right now all I need is you to get naked." she replied. His serious face turned to shock and then he started to blush. She started to take off her shirt waiting to see what his next move was. "The nervous bit is my deal..." she told him standing up to kiss him running her fingers gently on the buttons of his shirt. She could tell she was getting to him as he pulled her in toward her kissing her as deeply and as passionately as he did before they were married. After clothes finished flying all over the bedroom he placed Arissa gently on the bed kissing her all over her body. She ran her fingers through his hair pulling it when things got too intense. "Ohh....Bruno....oh my...." she said trying not to react in the way she did in the past.

He looked up at her in between kissing her stomach almost starting to laugh. "Shh, you'll wake the baby." he told her. She pulled him up to see his face seeing several beads of sweat near his hairline.

"I like it when you get all sweaty like turns me on." she told him.

"Well you turn me on, period..." he told her.

"Oh my god....Bruno......" she bit into his shoulder screaming in her head. Holy shit. I've missed five years of this. I should have kept him just for the sex...woah.

" are so amazing....." he breathed heavily into her ear. "I can't even...."

"Describe it...." she finished for him as he rolled over onto the side of the bed.

"That." he told her.

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