Chapter 79

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"Jack, can I ask you a question"Bruno asked Arissa's dad.

"Absolutely, Bruno. What's up? " Jack answered him.

"When did Arissa start getting anxious about everything?" he asked.

"She has always been a little anxious. But, if I could pinpoint a specific event..."Jack paused to think about it all. "It would have to be 5th grade when one of her classmates passed away...."

Bruno looked at his father-in-law trying to understand everything. "A boy in her class passed away in a car accident. I remember them being very close...his family lived down the street from us. We were walking the dogs early in the morning with Cami who couldn't sleep seeing them putting things in the back of the car. Arissa had a thing for the kid. I could tell because she stayed close to me while I talked to his dad. She asked him if he wanted to come over and finish a project with her on Sunday evening. When he didn't come over that evening it broke her heart. She didn't talk to us at all that night. And then, after we put the girls down for bed his mother called us in tears. She asked if Kelly could come over to the house really quick. I stayed here. She came back about two hours later in tears. We decided to tell Arissa in the morning before she went to school. After the initial shock she told us the only reason he went was because his friend Alex wanted to go. Alex got sick that morning and didn't go. She told us that Alex was really mean to her saying things about how the boy, Eric, didn't like her and that she was gross. She told us that Eric would always stand up for her, tell her that she wasn't gross. Even in 5thgrade that was a big deal. He protected her from this Alex kid. And then he was gone...and middle school and high school were hell for her because Alex got everyone to gang up on her. She tried..or she tries to put all those things he and his friends said to her in her past, but I know she still feels that out there, somewhere, these boys are still saying horrible things about to keep herself from getting hurt, she just pulls away. "

"Oh...I can see that. She does pull away...she hesitates...and then the one time she didn't hesitate...something bad happens. But, I won't ever hurt her, Mr. Henderson. "

"We're so grateful for that, Bruno...because we do see a change in her. She is happier with you than we have ever seen her. We just wish she could let herself be happy. You have to find a way to let her know that it's okay to be happy. " Jack finished.

"I'm trying to find a way." Bruno told Jack. As he finished that sentence he heard Arissa's steps behind him.

She sat down next to him smiling at her father and her husband. "What were y'all talking about?"

"We were talking about how extraordinary you are, Riss." Bruno told her.


The next morning Arissa and Bruno got dressed for his hearing.

"Riss, everything will be fine." he told her seeing the concern on her face. She walked over to him to fix his sideways tie smiling at him.

"I know it will, B...there. It's perfect. Have I ever told you that I could rip your pants off when you're dressed like that?" she told him.

"I would let you.." he smiled at her kissing her.

"Oh my god. Not now." she whispered in his ear. "Later, I promise." she said walking out the door toward the car her parents had fixed for her.

"Don't get in another accident, Riss.." he said getting into the car. She smacked the back of his head playfully.

"Oww...that hurt like a bitch. Are you using your pregnant super powers?" he asked her.

"You don't even want to know how that would have felt had I used them." she laughed at him.

A few minutes later they were walking toward the courthouse with Brad next to Bruno.

"Oh, shit. Look at all the news people..." Arissa said quietly.

"Just keep walking, Riss." he squeezed her hand tightly knowing that what happened today would be all over the world news within 5 minutes. Brad led them through the tv anchors as a few called out to Arissa as well. Oh shit. I don't look too pregnant do I?She thought to herself. She unconsciously touched her stomach as they walked it the door.

"Oh my god, she's pregnant!" she heard one reporter say to another. Shit. Arissa thought to herself.


"So let's get this out of the way...real quick. I don't like all the attention this is getting..." the same female judge said to the group in the court room.

"Mr. Anderson..." she asked Brad a question."How does Mr. Hernandez plead?"

"Guilty, your honor." Bruno said quietly.

"Then I am asking you to pay a $2,000 fine and we'll be on our way." Bruno nodded his head in *agreement. "Case dismissed." she answered hitting her gavel. "And get out of here before you get in anymore trouble, Mr. Hernandez." she told him.

"Yes ma'am." he said turning around as everyone else left the court room. Walking out of the room Bruno took Arissa's hand holding it tightly. "It wasn't that bad, was it." he asked her.

"No, it wasn't that..." she paused squinting at the flashes that caught her off guard. "well, no. Now it's kinda shitty." she finished.

They went back to Arissa's parents' house. Arissa sat next to him laying her head on his shoulder as he started to look at his twitter account. She watched him scroll through his mentions stopping at one from Perez Hilton. "What's next? Is he going to kill someone? That @BrunoMars has got to be stopped."

"What a jerk." Arissa said out loud. "Whatever, he doesn't know anything..." she moved his hand scrolling for him. He watched her read the supportive mentions. "Aww, look at this one...' I wish @BrunoMars would beat up my ex. I bet he'd kick his ass.'"

"I'll do it." Bruno smiled at the reply. "But only for you, Riss...because I'll do anything for you...and..." he touched her small stomach. "and our little one." he kissed her gently moving the laptop from his lap."

"They won't be home for another two hours..." Arissa said seductively standing up in front of him. He raised his eyebrow at her advances. She leaned down putting her arms on either side of his head returning his gently kiss. He pulled her in toward him having her fall on his chest. He brought her in closer to him having her wrap her legs around him. He watched her move her body around him in awe of her flexibility. He picked her up holding on to her tightly as she kissed his neck. He stopped in her bedroom door frame putting her down gently. She threw off her black cardigan frantically taking off his plaid shirt. He lifted up her shirt matching her pace. "Hurry up, B. I'm going to explode." she told him. He grabbed her tightly again guiding her toward her unmade bed. He moved down taking off her pants slowly kissing ever little bit of her as the pants fell down. He flipped her over gently watching her hair fly all over the place. She took off his pants spending extra time kissing his stomach. She heard him say something but couldn't make it out as she moved up to kiss him on the lips.

"Arissa...I love you so much." he said sincerely as he reached up to kiss her.

"I love you too, Bruno..." she answered touching his cheek. He kept his arms around her sliding to the side of the bed getting on top of her. He heard her try to keep herself from screaming even though he hadn't even gotten to the best part. So this is what Phil was talking She needs to stay pregnant all the time. Then I won't have to be on my A game every time...he thought to himself. He ran his fingers gently on her arms as he continued to kiss *her. "Oh my goooodddddd. Brunnnoooooo. Fuck me." she said loudly. "Just fuck my brains out. Please." she demanded digging her fingers in his back bringing him as close as she possibly could. She bit his shoulder as she always did as he responded to her demands.


Later in the evening Arissa sat on her bed packing. Bruno sat down next to her watching her fold their clothes. She leaned over looking at the spot she had bitten into him earlier in the day. She touched it trying not to crack a smile. "I'm sorry, boo." she said kissing his neck.

"You can bite me all you want." he laughed. "And fuck my brains out? That was really hot." he replied saying the last part as though it was a regular conversation.

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