You So Can

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Question to discuss:

Would you rather (A) Wear footy pajamas to school for a year or (B) Wear a superman cape everywhere you go for a year? (A=2 B=9 Both=5) [May Pick Both]

You: 5

Stranger: A

You: hell yes both

Stranger: I've gone to class in pjs

You: i could be a sleepy superhero

You: lucky

Stranger: hehe, college

Stranger: sometimes u roll out of bed 5 minuted before the test

Stranger: *s

You: I am looking forward to that then

You: where did you get footy pajamas?!

Stranger: I went in my normal pjs not footy

Stranger: I'll try it next time

Stranger: I think they might sell them at target

Stranger: My pants did have duckies on them

You: Cool

Stranger: right? I was the talk of the day

You: you can do better

Stranger: indeed, I will

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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