
213 2 8

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Question to discuss:

Hello, I'm the Doctor. Has anyone seen my Rose?


Stranger: I don't get it

Stranger: :(

You: no she's gone

You: stay on pls

You: stranger stay with me

You: i need to talk to asker

Stranger: Do I haaaaave to

You: pleeeease

Stranger: Fine.

You: you can open another chat window

You: cool thx

You: doctor

Stranger: Ill give you like.. 2 minutes

You: take me with you

You: k

You: rose is gone

You: she's with the other you

You: she's happy

You: you made the right choice

You: martha is gone

You: she loved you

You: she's happy

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

that wasnt fugging two minutes. ;___;

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