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Bobby's POV:

As usual, I went inside my office only to find that I missed my coffee. It's a regular thing for her to bring it in everyday. It's not like I'm using her as a personal maid or anything like that. It's just that I like the coffee beans she uses so much, that I forced her to bring it in everyday. But I hate her, so much so that my blood boils and fumes spreads out from every pores of my skin, whenever I saw her goddamn pretty face. Yeah, I admitted the fact that she's pretty. Forget that, fucking beautiful should be the exact words to describe her. But she's such a bitch. I can't remember a moment we never chewed each other head's off, literally. We were always head-on throwing every x-rated words. That was an unprofessional move but what can I do when she's being bitchy much. Then again we're almost alike in every possible way.

1. We cannot tolerate each other.

2. We look good.

3. We're rich.

But she's a rich spoiled brat, obviously. Whereas I'm a rich, understanding family man, if that includes spending every night with different women. So much for a family man. I smirked at myself, I can also be a gentleman when I wanted to be. For example, I'm helping every way possible for Jacqueline. She's so loveable and brings out the best side of me. She's also a very beautiful woman. But sometimes she's got the same attitude with that of Corrine, that bitch. That'll probably make them slay together and become the BFF they always dream of having one. I just can't understand with girls and their best friend thing. I hated the idea of them pairing up.

I don't know why I allowed her to stay with me, but she also gave me those feelings which every brother of a girl would do to protect them. She's a brunette which turns me on, which doesn't mean she actually turns me on. But I also have to admit my tiny little crush on her. She's so irresistible but I won't do anything to hurt her. Instead I'll help her through everything, financially and emotionally.

I was lost in thoughts when Corinne entered holding my dearest coffee. It's the only thing I can put my trust on. Without this coffee I'd have been in an asylum. She gave me those fake smiles, probably to lure someone, which she must've done for an nth time, but doesn't affect me at all.

"Sir, your coffee. Where shall I keep?"

Okay, she's showing her best demure today. What about some flakes of fire, and she'll burn right away?

"Why don't you sit on my lap and hold the cup for me while I enjoy myself with you?"

That must've ticked her off. Her face scrunched up in disgust and spat right back. You get the feeling to hate every female living in this world except my mother. She's such a monster and I can't figure out why she's still allowed to work here or for that matter, why does she need to work here? She's from a freakingly rich family and not to mention they share half of my father's company's profit. Well, to be precise, they built together before any of us, i.e., their children, came into the picture.
They get along pretty great for the past few decades but Corinne and I never shared a mutual feelings.
We're like oil and fire. We burnt together, and let me tell you, it isn't great at all. I was out of my reverie when she spat.

"Who do you think you are? I've been making my special coffee for you ever since you knew about it and still you haven't thanked me. Oh that's far to happen since you haven't even mentioned how it tasted like. You are such an egomaniac-arrogant-son of a bitch I despises so fucking much! I've been tolerating your unwanted, nuisance behavior for almost a year and still you didn't acknowledge me or my coffee for once. And you have the audacity to treat me like that? Do you have any brain in that big head of yours? I don't think so. I'm over with you and your bullshit café. And don't you dare do anything to that girl, Jacqueline. I know what you are planning to do. Acting sweet and care play won't stop me from killing you if you step in closer to her. Don't even start with she's a brunette. She's my type lines. I won't buy any of it. I quit and thanks a lot for letting me know your other side which everyone might not be aware of. Goodbye boss."

I can't close my mouth my jaw almost hit the floor. What's up with her? I have no idea how she got riled up with only that single sentence. She knows me well enough that I usually, well that's an understatement. Let me rephrase it, that I always says something so cheesy and out of place and sometimes rude words, every time. It's out of habit even though it's a stupid thing. She's the one who should understand me the most since we practically grew up together. Then what's with all the drama that happen just now. Girls and their dramatic behavior.

"So what if you quit? It's not like my café will close down too. And there's that girl Jacqueline who'll surely know how to make a coffee better than yours. I don't see the problem here in your absence. You can just leave the way you enter. Or shall I escort you out for the sake of acknowledging your cup of coffee for once? Nah that's stooping so low. And I can do anything to that girl Jacqueline. You don't know how much she owes me. I'll probably see you soon, even tonight maybe, if you don't go home like a crybaby and make your eyes swells. That'll be a sight to watch. Goodbye to you too, miss Jenkins."

Was it my eyes betraying me or was it real? I have no idea but I saw her teary eyes. Maybe I was a little too harsh on her. But what she'd said made me riled up too. I felt bad but it's not like I have to sweet-talk and make her stay and keep the job, when all I ever want was for her to quit. It's not fair to me and her too if we do it against what we really wanted. She wants to quit, I want her to quit. It's quite a fair play.

She left and I felt a hollow feeling that she might never forgive me for this. She's the last person I ever want to beg for forgiveness since I have the largest possibility of being a biggest egocentric person and arrogant jerk.

And there's tonight party at my parent's house. I'm nervous as to why I should introduce Jacqueline to my family. But I'll also be having a great time, not with my family, but with my close invited friends and families.

How's this chapter? Full of junk. Forgive me. I've tried my best.
I know I left a cliffhanger there. I tried to add the party but I'll post it as another chapter.

What do you think about our Boss and miss Jenkins??

I'll probably be switching different POV'S of every characters. Lemme know if you find that boring.

And the media is so awesome. I think it's perfect for the duo (Bobby & Corinne). They're having a complicated relation and running out of some sarcasm lately ;-)

Also note my sarcasm there. XD

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