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This chapter is a dedication to those who voted on the previous chapter.

Thank you for the 1k votes and counting...

Enjoy your reads, peeps!

Jacqueline's POV:

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

He started apologizing to me frantically. I don't know what to say. He kissed me yet I'm calm enough not to bicker or strangle him. I'm tired and needed to rest. With that in thought I said,
"come on! Let's go. It's getting late."

"Really? That's all you've got to say? I mean are you feeling alright with the fact that I kissed you?"

"No. My answer to all of your questions are no."

"Is this suppose to be some kind of 'calm before the storm'?"

"For a player like you, you sure is a softie. Just shut up, will you?"

"You're hurting my ego. Listen, it's just that I feel protective over you. Dennis is a jerkhead. He could be doing anything to you because he's very powerful. He's also my bestfriend but you're like my sister and I personally won't ever allow or gave permission to date someone like him or him. He's also a manipulative king. I don't know how long it will take for him to make you work for him. Probably a week or two or some few days. That's what he's been doing over time and again. And what did he do to them? They're his plaything or puppets so he toyed them ruthlessly..."

"Stop right there. I'm not interested with building anything related to him and with him. The kissing happen because I was a bit tipsy from tonight. Not gonna repeat what's not worth."

Geez... what does he thinks I am. I'm not falling for someone like him.
But what about those things Dennis had said to me earlier? Is that one of his manipulative ways? So he can get access on my pants? No! I won't let that happen, ever!

15 minutes passed and 15 minutes more to reach the apartment.
I can't stay awake for long. I needed to take rest.

I woke up exactly at 6 O'clock and it's already hot and sunny. The summer does that and I've got no one to blame. But that doesn't mean I hate summer. Actually, I loved it! I took a shower since I didn't last night. Surprisingly there's no sign of hangover.

Dressed up on a pair of grey jeans and white tops with a ballerina pumps, I walked out from my room and wondered inside the kitchenette. A man with nothing but a towel which hangs incredibly low was standing there dripping with a rivulets of water after shower.

I gulped audibly which made him turned around. The instance I saw his face, all of last night events came flooding back. Him punching Dennis, kissing me, apologizing...

We stared at each other for a minute and I could see the guilt building inside him whereas I started fuming in rage. There's nothing sexy when you became angry even if that person is Sam Claflin. Okay. That exaggerates a little bit. He's nothing but a sexy ass. Sam Claflin is.

So here I am in a dilemma whether to lurch towards him and finished him off or be completely oblivious.

"I made breakfast for you. I hope you like it."

There, he's trying really hard and I'm ready to forget last night events.

"I see you're all dressed up. Here's your coffee. I already had mine so I'm gonna get change into something more appropriate while you eat."

"Okay. Thanks for the breakfast."


  I missed Corrine. She didn't turned up for real. I've been here for almost two hours and customers became sparse. So I sat on a stool at the counter slumping and fumbling with my hands.

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