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Jacqueline's POV:

"Wardrobe malfunction!!!"

Corrine screamed when she opened her door just because I didn't changed my work dress into something presentable. Typical of her.

"Well... I missed you so much I have to skipped all of... what the hell?!"

She closed the door right on my face. Wasn't that totally rude? A minute passed and she hasn't opened the door and I started having second thoughts of this whole sleepover plan. I might have to pound the door. No one would hear me, I guess.

Still not a sight of her after full five minutes, 2 minutes of pounding the door and 3 minutes waiting for her appearance.

I'm feeling conscious of everything and started backing away from her door. She lives in a nice neighborhood, I could give her that.

Bobby dropped me off because I demanded him to do so since I don't have anything for transportation. And now, I can't go back because Corrine suppose to dropped me back.

I walked down the porch and was about to leave when her door swayed open followed by a voice.

"Jacqueline, where do you think you're going? Was it because of what I said earlier?"

"No. It's what you did. Looks like I'm not even welcomed here."

"Aww... my sweet cutie pie. I'm sorry. I needed to take care of something and I have to come up with a way so as to stopped you from coming inside. It worked even if it happen to have hurt you somehow.  Come on in."

I was being dragged inside her house and when I look around, I noticed it's a freaking duplex. How does she owned such a place as this just by a part-time job? Maybe she's from a wealthy family.

"Stop gawking, will you? It's my 22nd birthday gift from mommy. Oh! By the time I tell you what my daddy gifted on my 24th birthday, you'll definitely go berserk."

Yeah I think I will. My parents gifted me a car, iPhone, bag, golden chain and dresses but nothing major and expensive, on my birthdays.

"Why's he here? I thought we have plans? Does he includes?"



"Shut up knowlden! No. He isn't included. Only the two of us are and he's on his way out now, aren't you knowlden?"

He groaned and my skin perks up with goosebumps just by the sound of his voice.

"Alright. Good seeing you on that dress, miss Miller."

And he added softly on my ears, "can't wait for you to wear mine soon."

That son of a b**** winked and walked out of sight with that glorious arse. Argh! Why did I kept looking at his arse?

You obviously enjoyed.

Shut up! Shut up!

Yeah. Only when you stop looking.

My inner thoughts kept on ranting...

"Well... I could sense the tensions radiating from the both of you."

"Ha... same goes for you and Bobby. Sexual tensions, to be precise."

"What?! No. That's impossible. We're always head-on to strike each other down mercilessly."

"Yeah. Having sex mercilessly, eh? I thought so too"

"Haha... finally, you've grown from innocent girl to a not-so, yet evil sexy kitten. But I was driving Dennis c*ck some minutes ago until you arrived."

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