Stop the judging

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Why so fucking hypocritically? You say your not a bully but you're fucking making fun of someone online, commenting shit and laughing at them.

Someone let me rephrase that A LOT of people are making fun of JB, first they say he's gay and doesn't like him for it (yet your for fucking gay right, he's not gay btw, he's more of a manwhore, but I still love you).

Yeah he did drugs but nobody bloody perfect we all make mistakes ( he that not sin, cast the first stone, something like that) he's a fucking human being, nobody perfect.

Did you know that he was bullied as a kid, he would skip school so he wouldn't have to go. So image if he saw them, an if someone told him to kill himself. Can you believe if someone said that to you are your family, your best friend.

I can't believe they can tell someone that, are that they were going to kill him, themselves if they didn't do it.

It doesn't even have to be him, it can happen to anyone and it isn't pretty, so stop telling people to kill themselves, it can happen and you would feel like shit if that happen to you.

We all have problems, some persons drink, some smoke others curse we all have  different ways to deal with things, and he didn't spit on one of his fans he did it to a paparazzi, you would too if they were invading your privacy.

So point blank, period stop bullying.

And the whole it's your book and your opinion drop it because if you don't have anything nice to say, keep it to yourself/ don't say anything.

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