Cheeky lil' Updatee

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It was dark, but dusty enough to be seen through the minimal lighting. Two figures could be seen in the room sitting across from each other, silence enveloping the indescribable aura.
'You said you'd have it done' the figure signed with slim pale fingers, not revealing a voice.
"That was before your dumb assistant got in the way" a voice laced with disguise responded.
'Distractions should not phase you' fingers signed, showing the only revealing part of the person, the rest covered in dark shadows and black clothing.
"Whatever. Just tell me what mission I need to do next, this one is obviously out of my control now" the small girl crossed her slim arms and sighed.
'No other mission necessary. You need to recover your target' the figure stood up and pulled their hood down.
"Recover my.." The dark haired girl stood up quickly in a angry rush, "I can't recover my target at this point! He's in a coma surrounded by the government and hospital officials!"
'If you're really serious about what I'm asking, you can do it' the figure signed one last time with their fingers quickly dancing along with their calm notion.
   "B-but..!" The small girl made her way to the figure and, not daring to touch him, slammed her small hands onto the desk separating them instead.
    The figure could tell by her emotions that his special assistant was fed up, which was something new added to her very limited emotions-especially when it concerned work.
   "Kazuto isn't something I would risk my line of work and myself for sir!" Both knew the contract the small girl had signed was unbreakable, but hadn't bothered to risk yelling her employer with idiotic comments, "especially if that person is guarded from us specifically"
   'I'm not saying you have to do it" they signed, "but if you don't" the cutting off of the sentence didn't frighten the girl, but she would be lying if she said she didn't feel a shiver run up her back.
   "AGHH!" She yelled sitting back down, the chair beneath her squeaking the wooden floor, "this is dumb" she muttered to herself, proving her teenage hormones were kicking in.
   'I have other business to attend to now' the figure signed, slowly getting up from his seemingly unnoticed chair, 'I hope you reconsider your limited time in this business katsu" and with that, the owner of the slender pale hands left the dark dusty room, leaving the small black haired girl alone in the room, staring at her hands in between her legs.
    "Damn you Kirigaya" the words resounded around the room.
   before making her way out of the small properly furnished business room, katsu walked past an interesting conversation behind medical doors.
   "You know I saw him, what else could I've done? That little girl katsu stealing my position! Earning twice as much money as me..! This wasn't how it was going to end"
Cheeky little update it is so smol omg sorry, I tried writing this when someone commented to update so I compromised for a small one.

Who do you think katsu saw venting about her behind the mysterious medical doors??

Also! I have other books if you want to go check those out! Also! My very good friend @drowningtaxicab made a TØP book that you'll instantly fall in love with if you read! ^^

Okay bye, until next time :))))

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