Chapter 9

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Third Person's P.O.V.

Sakura petals flutter everywhere while the students of Totsuki Culinary Academy chatter nervously.

Finally, the opening ceremony began.

"We will next present the new students with their class badge. Incoming valedictorian, Nakiri Erina." Urara announced.

Leaving Kurumi at the back, Nakiri went in the stage.

"Here!" she stated.

Some students are gawking at her,
much to Kurumi's fascination.

"Ah, Erina-sama..."
"Exquisite as always.."
"Beautiful and at the top of her class .."
"She's is perfection incarnate!..."
"If I could go on a date with her for even a single day, i'll die happily.."
"Idiot!..Watch your mouth! You'll get kicked out of the academy!"
"Yeah.. She's the daughter of the don who heads the food industry mafia!"
"Well sure, but.."

"We now welcome our keynote speaker: the director of out Totsuki Academy, Nakiri Senzaemon-sama."

Some students shivered in fear while some remained stoic. Kurumi just scoffed earning a glance from Erina.

"He's terrifying!"
"He has the entire, the entire Japanese food world... under his thumb! He's the ultimate gourmand! Calling him a mafia don is an understatement! He's the devil!"
"The Devil of food!"

Finally, he spoke.

"Greetings. Congratulations on your advancement to the highschool division. During your three years in the junior high school division, you have obtained a basic skill set in cooking, and deepened your understanding of each ingredient. In addition to the cooking practicum, you attended classroom lectures on a variety of topics, including culinary theory, nutrition, public health, introductory agronomics, and managements. Now, finally standing at the entrance to the high school division. The challenges you'll now face are not about your skills or knowledge, but whether you have the wherewithal to survive as a food profesional. 99% of you...are meant to be sacrificed for honing the remaining 1%! Of the 812 students who entered our high school division last year, only 76 advanced to the second year! Incompetent and mediocrity will be mercilessly excised from our student body. A thousand first-years will be whittled down to a hundred by next year, and we can count those who'll advanced to graduation on one hand. Aspire to become one of the small handful of those professionals! It should be you! Hone yourself! That is all." He finished.

Kurumi giggled, Erina sweatdropped at the girl's reaction.

"Your grandfather is funny, Eri-cchi." Kurumi said while giggling.

Erina just sighed, "You're impossible to handle, Mimi."

Then Urara spoke again.
"Finally, we'd like to introduce one transfer student who'll be joining your ranks today."

Erina looks like she ate something sour. Kurumi smiled at her smugly.

"Oh, sorry to be talking to y'all from up here. Hehehe". A boy spoke.

"Just be quick about it, please." Urara pleaded.

"I'll keep it short and sweet then. Just a couple of sentences. Uh, I'm Yukihira Souma." said the red-headed boy.

Kurumi is still smiling smugly at Erina.

"To be honest, this academy's just a stepping stone for me. I wasn't expecting to transfer here, but I don't plan on losing to folks who've never actually served customers. Anyway, what I'm getting at is...Basically, now that I'm here, I'm gonna take the number one spot!"

Everyone was shocked, well except the two girls at the backstage.

"Looking forward to being with y'all for the next three years!" he bowed.

Then the students started throwing things at him.

Souma's P.O.V.

After I gave my speech which enraged many students, I went backstage thinking wistfully and saw Nakiri sitting with a ravenette beauty.

There's only one thing that came in my mind when I saw her.

She has the aura of an Empress.

Is she a student here?

"Hi there!" I manage to smile and confront the two.

They both turned at me. Nakiri just glared at me, she looks like she wants to say something . I won't ever forget the fact that she said that my cooking is disgusting. But the other girl smiled and stood up and walked towards me.

I shivered a little bit the way she look at me. I feel like a prey.

" Yukihira Souma, a transfer student, am I right? I'm Akashi Kurumi. " she said in an elegant manner as she offered her hand.

She's pretty.
Wait, where did that come from?

"Uhm yeah. I am. Nice to meet you." I grinned, we shook hands.

"I apologize for Ericchi's behaviour yesterday, Yukihira-kun. You must be surprised to receive an invitation letter." she said.

"Yeah, Neh Nakiri, you should have just told me that my cooking is delicious, I mean I still passed even though you said that it was disgusting. I won't give up 'tho. One day, I'll make you say that my cooking is delicious." I stated looking at Nakiri.

Nakiri stood up immediately.

"Mimi! How could you? And you, Yukihira-kun, I still won't accept you." she pouted at her.

"Hehe, Ericchi, would you just sit down and don't talk for a while?" she smile sweetly at her and surprizingly, she obeyed. I sweatdropped. and so did Nakiri.

" Ah, Yukihira-kun. I am also a transfer student just like you. I hope we'll get along well. I'd love to let you taste my cooking in the future."

"I see. Sure then!" I grinned again. I hope I will get to know her better, especially her dish. That means she's good, right?

"Hmp!" Nakiri just flip her hair.

"Well, Yukihira-kun. It was nice meeting you. I still won't forget your declaration of war 'tho. Come on, Eri-cchi." She waved and walk past me with Nakiri on her side trying to compose herself.

I may have just found an interesting opponent.

I just notice that my knees are slightly shaking and my face flushed.

"What in the-" Even my voice shook a bit.

this chapter is already edited.

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