Evens, Enemies... Same Difference!

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"He did WHAT?!" My friend Leslie yelled.

"You heard me! He hired a new farm hand, and without asking me to have any say in it. He's never done this before... I don't get why he would start now." I replied still reeling over the fact that dad went behind my back to do this.

"Well maybe he thought you would say no. I mean, neither of you have had any help on the farm since your mom... He probably thought you would say no without any thought about it." Leslie told me calmly. She was normally the one freaking out and going crazy. So to see her so calm and thinking things through was a little beyond strange.

"Yeah, no, maybe, I suppose, I don't know... Ugh! Ok, I'm done thinking about this. It's the last day of our senior year. So here is to the end and the beginning of a new life!" I say enthusiastically. I wasn't going to let this get in the way of the upcoming summer and college in only three short months.

 Unfortunately I was saying this as I turned around from my locker. The unfortunate part being that right as I did, a broad chest came by and knocked me backwards onto the floor, sending all my books flying across the hallway.

As I scrambled to get up and collect my things I heard a collective group of laughter. Oh so they think this is funny? Try again.

"Watch where you're going jerk." I said at the leader of the group.

Evens. Seth Evens to be exact. A 6 foot, brown eyed, brown haired beast who thought he ran the school.

"How about you just get out of my way you little klutz." He snapped back. Obviously he didn't like people telling him what to do. Well two can play at that game.

"You know what I just don't get Seth? How you can have such a big ego in that tiny head of yours!" I told him while fully getting up and getting in his face.

"Oh trust me honey, it’s not tiny." He said snidely while winking at the girls who were swooning around us.

"Ugh! You are such a self conceited, egotistical jerk! I wish you could get your head out of your ass and see the world doesn't revolve around you!" I yelled finally at my breaking point. Everyone had started to gather around us but I was literally seeing red. None of them mattered at this point.

"Babe, I don't get what you are so mad about. Any girl here would kill to be in your spot right now. I mean, you did get a chance to feel all this." He said motioning to his chest.

"Yeah well it wasn't much." I replied smugly, smirking at his now furious expression.

"Doll face, you obviously have never been with guys before if you believe that." He said, earning a collective 'ooh' from everyone around us.

"I have been with plenty of guys! And will you stop with the petty nicknames. They don't help your so called charm one bit."

"Ok fine. No more nicknames. But then I will need your name and number for insurance reasons."

"What reasons?" I ask, confused but still ticked.

"A bruised heart." He replied, smirking at the rest of the girls who started yelling how they would help fix it.

"Like that's ever going to happen. Over my dead body."

"I can make that happen, besides its not like the world would be losing anyone or anything important." That smirk on his face is what was really irritating me. He is asking for it. And if its war he wants then its war he'll get.

"You don't know who you are dealing with Seth." I warn him.

"Yeah I do, a stupid little girl who thinks she will get popular by trying to take me down."

"Its the last day of school! Popularity means nothing to me!" I yell completely frustrated.

"Al! Come on , 1 minute bell rang. Let's go to class." Leslie says pulling me away.

"Yeah go away to your little class!" Seth yells to me as I walk away.

"Lord help me..."

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